Chapter 20

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Clary's PoV

I rocked the cradle slowly and heard the quiet breathing of Max. He looked so peaceful, wrapped up and serene. The door opened and Jace came in. He was smiling. His hair shone on his head and he shucked off his gear jacket. "Hey", he said. "Was Max being naughty?", he asked, looking fondly down at the handsome face in the cradle with Jace's fair hair and my green eyes. I shook my head and reached up to kiss him on the cheek. He turned his head and I was kissing his mouth. Soft and reassuring. We broke apart. "How was you day?", I asked. I has taken a maternity leave from shadowhunting but Jace still went in occasional trips. "Great. We killed some Raum Demons, some Drevak Demons, some Eidolon demons, some Raveners-", I cut him off.

"Nice to know you had a great time with Alec. Don't forget it's Izzy's and Simon's wedding party tonight. You should take a shower and change into some nice clothes for once". His face wore a mask of mock horror. "Something nice! That's impossible" I laughed and Jace reached into the cradle and fingered a lock of Max's hair. I batted his hand away. "You'll mess his hair up", I said. "I managed to wash it today, although he cried so loud Maryse came and asked if everything was ok". Jace grinned. I tugged a lock of his hair. "It's not funny. Next time you can do it".

"I think I'll pass", he said and walked over to the door. I watched his figure move with the grace of a lion. He was dangerous and beautiful.

He was Jace.

"I love you, Clary", he said

"I love you too".

The door closed behind him.


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