Chapter 17

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Jace's POV

I lay on my bed staring aimlessly at the ceiling, same as yesterday, the day before and the day before that. I felt so empty, like nothing else would matter anymore. Clary hates me. She hates me and never loved me. Suddenly, a loud commotion came from upstairs. Thumping, banging and a scream. I leapt to my feet and sprinted into the hallway. I saw Izzy and Alec and veered round to meet them.

"What's happening?" I asked in alarm.

"Dunno," Izzy replied, gesturing for us to follow her.

"HELP! HEL-" the shout was cut off with a scream. I knew that voice. Clary. I sprinted like never before, barely registering Izzy and Alec following me. I forgot about all that she said. That she never loved me. That she hated me. That she loved Sebastian. I had to save her. I rounded a final corner and stopped in my tracks. Clary was pinned to the wall, a small trickle of blood running down her head. Sebastian grabbed a small, wickedly sharp knife from his belt and held it to her throat. "Stop where you are", said Sebastian. I took a step forward, trying to figure out how to get to her without Sebastian harming her. He dug the knife in a little, and Clary gave a little scream.

"I said stay where you are", he repeated. Izzy and Alec ran up to me, out of breath.

"What the hell!", shouted Isabelle, "Let her go, you-"

"Clary here has been a bit naughty", said Sebastian slowly, "Clary here needs to be punished", he said. I drew in a breath. "But we won't do it here. We should go right back, don't you think Clary?"


"You've put all your lovely friends in danger by doing this, but I'm going to be lenient". Clary struggled, but he pressed the dagger in deeper. Sebastian reached for his stele and drew the portal rune on the institute wall. I had to act now. I lunged forward, but it was too late. The portal appeared and Clary gave one last feeble attempt at escaping. Sebastian pulled her through.

"I love you Jace", she said as she slowly disappeared.

For a moment, I felt happy. I even smiled. Felt elated. But then it all came flooding back to me. The situation and sudden realisation. How could I have been so stupid? Of course Sebastian forced Clary to tell me those things. He also probably threatened her with hurting us. And now he was going to hurt Clary for trying to escape. My breathing quickened and panic set in. What was he going to do to her?

"He won't kill her Jace," Alec reassured me, as if reading me thoughts, "she's too important for him to lose."

"I doubt it. Sebastian seemed pretty angry at Clary. We need to do something..anything", my voice was shaky. Alec placed a hand on my shoulder and led me back down the corridor. There was nothing I could do.


It was late and the phone rang in the library. I ran to it and picked it up. Before I could say even a word, the person on the other side started speaking. "Jace, it's Emma. Don't interrupt me. I have a lot to say. Clary had to create a telepathy rune for her and Sebastian and she tried talking telepathically to me, who although didn't have a matching rune, managed to hear her and reply. She is locked in a room and Sebastian is starving her until she gives up and begs him to stop, and she said to me that it won't be long until she does. She told me to tell you to listen in your head, and you'll hear her voice".

This was all a lot to take in. But...but...but I could talk to clary!

"Oh my god, Emma. Thank you so much. If it doesn't work with me then promise you'll speak to her constantly, ok?", I as slightly breathless and was waiting to hear Clary in my head.

Emma promised then put the phone down. I collapsed into an armchair and waited patiently for Clary.

And then, I heard her.

Jace, Jace

It's me clary, are you ok?

No, Sebastian is starving me and hurts

Listen clary, I don't want you hurt. Do what he asks you and at least I'll know you were forced to do it.

No, she gasped. He wants me to do terrible things. I can't do it, I cant.

For me, Clary. All of us will understand. I...I just don't want you hurt, ok.


Please, Clary

Ok, I'll tell him I give up. But the satisfaction on his face when I do will be too much to bear. I'll think of you.

Sure, I said. Think of me, everyone does

The last thing I heard was her laugh, before her presence slipped from my mind.

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