Chapter 11

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Clary's POV -R

"So", said Sebastian"basically, all clear, you're body's in good shape, very fit. But, we've just got to do one last thing".

He gestured to his servant, one of the shadowhunter dead, and he came forward, carrying a long syringe with a vicious needle point, in his skeletal hand. I shrank away from it and Sebastian smiled.

"This, is a tracker. Let's me know where you are at all times, however, try to take it out of yourself, using a knife or whatever, you'll die instantly. It's connected to all your vital organs, and will instantly pierce them. Also, if you try to run away to Jace, i'll follow and kill him and all the others. I suggest you keep out of their way", as an afterthought, he added "You could go to the ends of this world and i'll still find you". He looked happy that it got a reaction out of me.

My eyes widened and I let out a gasp "No", I whispered "you can't. You can't do that". He didn't reply but motioned for the skeletal creature to inject me. I tried to wriggle away but it still came closer. I screamed, but it made no difference, and I struggled against the chains, thrashing on the testing table I was chained to. I felt something cold kiss my skin and pierce it painfully. There was a whirring sound and the syringe was yanked out savagely.

I choked on my tears as I realised what had just happened.

Sebastian would always know where I was and if I found Jace and the others, he would follow me and kill them all.

I could never see Jace again.


Sebastian had unchained me from the bed and I flexed my muscles. There were red bracelets of blood on my wrists. I glanced at the tracker in my forearm. It was small, metallic and about two inches long and three inches wide. I looked up at Sebastian trying to make him feel guilty, but then I remembered that my brother had no emotions. Except those of evil.

"I hate you", I said, surprised at my own savageness

"Hate is a very strong word, little sis", he grinned "and anyway, I wish I could say the same thing about you for killing me, but I can't. As much as I hate to admit it, you mean a lot to me"

"You can't lie to me, I can see right through it", I said, my voice dangerously low

"Why would I lie?", he asked.

I couldn't take it anymore. This demon had taken Jace away from me. I grabbed the chain from the testing table and swung it swiftly and with more force I thought possible for myself, at his head. His hand came up quick as lightning, grabbing it, and stopping it short. He twisted it round so my arm was in an akward position behind my back, and came up behind me, leaning forward.

"Don't test me little sis", he said, talking against my cheek.

"Oh, I will", he must have heard something in my voice, because he hesitated. I took the advantage and kicked backwards. He stumbled and I quickly gathered the chain around my wrist. He straightened and had a bored expression on his face. "Another fight?", he asked "I am really getting bored of this". He grinned.

"I'm not", I said as I flung the chain at his feet trying to coil it around them, like Isabelle. He flipped backwards with the practiced agility of a shadowhunter. I threw the metal chain down and kicked him as he landed. He barely winced. I threw a punch that would have sent a mundane flying but he blocked it swiftly. I didn't stand a chance at hand-to-hand combat. I was going to have to try something else.

I grabbed an empty syringe from one of the work tables with a wicked point. I hurled it and it flew true through the air, as Sebastian leaped backwards, but he wasn't fast enough. It cut a shallow looking cut in his rippling biceps. He sighed as if it annoyed him and advanced on me. I looked around for anything else I could use. There was nothing. At all. It was hand-to-hand after all. I put myself into a ready stance.

"I don't want to hurt you Clarissa", his voice was cold "it's not necessary"

"You took Jace away from me. Everyone I love away from me. How can I forgive you, or not want to hurt you", I choked. He just shrugged and aimed a punch. I ducked and realised it was a trap, but it was too late. He swiped my feet out from under me, and I landed flat on my back. My head cracked against the floor and my elbows connected hard with the table leg. I was hauled to my feet and pinned against the wall. Sebastian was gripping my top between his two hands, and grinning.

"You've got to stop trying little sis, you don't stand a chance", he sounded superior.

"Get off me Sebastian", I gasped. The neckline of my top was cutting into my throat and choking me.

"Would you let go of me, if you were in this position?", he asked. I didn't reply but my breath was coming out hard and harsh. He bought his fist up and it flew through the air, connecting with my jaw in an explosion of agony. I screamed and sagged against the wall, bringing my hands up to cradle my cheek. I screamed again, the pain seemed to be spreading like wildfire, agony shooting everywhere. Blood was running down my fingers. I choked and curled up into a fetal position, gasping with pain. Darkness appeared at the edge of my vision. The last thing I saw was Sebastian reaching down to cradle my head, a look of surprise on his face at what he'd done. But, no horror.

No guilt.


Hi guys- i hope you liked this chapter. I know what you're thinking- What is Clary supposed to do?- she can't go back to anybody she loves or they die, run away and Sebastian will find her, take out the tracker or she dies. If you think i'm being too dramatic, comment and tell me. Constructive criticism welcome. Plz comment, vote and follow!! -and carry on reading -R xx

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