|Chapter 11|

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The week went by quickly. When Saturday finally rolled around all I wanted to have was a lazy day. For the past couple of days Derek has snuck into my room to fall asleep with me. I enjoy having his arms wrapped around me; he gives me a sense of security. This morning, however, I was so out of it I forgot Derek was the person who had their arms wrapped around me. When I woke up and found arms around me I froze. My mind was too groggy to remember it was Derek so I acted like a rational girl would do at a time like this—I pushed Derek off the bed. He landed with a thud an di heard him groan. That’s when I snapped out of my sleepy state and realized it was Derek and not some stranger.

          I gasped and looked down at Derek, “I’m sorry; I thought you were a rapist!”

          Derek gave me a look, “Really?”

          I smiled sheepishly, “I was groggy. I didn’t know better. Please forgive me?” Derek shook his head and covered his face with his hands. I bit my lip, I feel horrible that I hurt him. He’s groaning in pain and I don’t know what I can do. Taking the fun approach, I jumped down and landed gracefully on Derek’s lap. He jumped in shock and removed his hands from his face. “I’m so sorry Derek! Please forgive me? I didn’t mean it! I’m such a horrible girlfriend!”

          Derek chuckled, “Calm down, it’s okay Annabelle.” He must’ve noticed I was still uneasy because he placed his hands on the tops of my thighs and said, “I’m fine. I’m not even hurt.”

          “Okay,” I said planning to get off but was stopped by Derek.

          He smiled up at me, “Come here.”

          I gave him a look but leaned closer anyway. Derek was about to kiss my neck but I pulled away before he could. He groaned and gripped my hips, pulling out bottom halves together. My eyes widened when I felt the bulge in his pants, “Really?”

          He gave me a sheepish smile, “It’s the morning and I was dreaming about you.”

          I slapped his arm, “Shut up.”

          Before Derek could do anything else a knock on my door broke us apart, “Stay there.”

          Derek rolled his eyes but didn’t move. I went to my door and opened it, “Good morning Dad.”

          “Good morning,” he said. “What are you doing today?”

          I bit my lip. I could tell my dad wanted to hang out with me, but Derek is bringing me to another paintball date. The only difference is Landon, Rebecca, Riley, and Melanie is going to be there. Surprisingly, for the past few days Riley has been texting and calling Melanie. At first, Melanie was a little weary, but I talked her into taking a chance. Her mom, Mrs. Ryan, doesn’t know a thing about her and Riley or Melanie hanging out with me for that matter. I refused to show up Thursday for the manner classes and my mom didn’t fight me. She just told me to go to my room where Derek was waiting patiently for me.

          “I’m hanging out with friends,” I answer. “But we can hang out tonight Dad. We can watch a movie or something.”

          “You don’t have to feel guilty Anna,” he said. “It’s fine. I’m taking your mother out tonight anyway. I was just wondering if you had anything going on just in case something happened to you.”

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