|Chapter 15|

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Next part here! I'm sorry I left you guys off on a sad note, but there story it not, and will not, be all smiles and rainbows. This is a short chapter, but I hope this is alright.







Have you ever felt numb? So numb you could care less about the world around you. So numb you can’t find it in you to even get out of bed. So numb you haven’t talked to anyone for days. That’s how I feel. The pass week went by fast, at least for me. Derek hasn’t tried to talk to me; Landon said he’s giving me time to calm down. Through this past week I haven’t talked to anyone. Not even Rebecca. She cussed out Derek though, but I wasn’t there to witness it. I walk down the halls by myself. People stare, but don’t say anything directly to me. Instead, they talk behind me back. Jackie gives me smug looks every time I see her. I’m over the point of caring though. When I saw her walk seductively up to Derek I watched as he blatantly ignored her. She wasn’t happy about that. Derek told her off.

          When I walk alone in the halls I see Derek sometimes. He’s usually off in his little world. Landon mentioned he’s depressed. Earlier today Derek even smiled shyly at me. I just turned the other way and walked off. Jake tried talking to me, but I didn’t talk back. I was over it. Drama. School. Bitches. Just so over it—to a point where it’s exhausting.

          The lady Derek and I contacted about my curse a week ago called me the other day. She agreed to meet me tonight. I haven’t told my parents about the lady or my breakup with Derek. My mom would just say I told you so and I did not want to have that conversation. I asked Rebecca to come with me tonight. She’s also been avoiding Derek. Rebecca said it’s difficult looking at him and restraining herself from punching him in the face.

          During English I worked on the project. Derek sat beside me so the teacher wouldn’t question us. He tried to make small talk, but I didn’t respond. At a point during class I ducked a piece of hair behind my ear and saw Derek staring at me. From a sideways glance I thought I saw longing. But for what though? He obvious didn’t want me enough. Petty parry for one—me.

          “Please allow me to explain,” Derek whispers, moving closer to me.

          I turned to look at him, “Why? You and Jackie were having an intimate moment when you had a girlfriend. That should’ve never happened and for what? Because you were jealous? Nothing even happened.”

          “I know,” he said. “Nothing happened with Jackie though.”

          I shook my head, “She shouldn’t have even gotten that close to you.”

          “I fucked up okay? Please give me another chance.”

          “I don’t know if I can,” I whisper.

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