|Chapter 31|

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This is the third to last chapter. This story is winding down and although i hate it, it has to happen. I'm debating having two or three chapters after this one. Still thinking...




Thank you guys :D







Few days later…

      I stared at the grave silently. My arms were wrapped around my torso securely. The black dress I wore fell down mid-thigh and fit close to my body, making it harder to warm myself from the chilly wind. I was can’t believe I’m here—at his funeral. This should not have happened.

          The wake was held yesterday. I felt uncomfortable and suffocated—like I do now.  The funeral ended about twenty minutes ago but I refused to leave. I don’t want to go to a lunch and pretend like nothing happened. He sacrificed himself for me. I’m hurting more than I would’ve imaged. The worst part was not saying goodbye before he did it. That hurt more than anything.

          I leaned down to my bare knees in front of his grave. It was still freshly done, no headstone present yet. Every time I willed myself to leave—I couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to leave. It was like I was leaving him alone forever, walking away like he was nothing.

          Suddenly it came all rushing back. The reality that he wasn’t going to be here for me anymore. His comfort, his advice, and more importantly his love. I bowed my head and started crying hysterically. I felt frustrated with myself for not realizing he was the one that was going to sacrifice himself and not my mom. I feel like it’s my fault he isn’t here now.

          Over time I see myself moving on, but not anytime soon. I haven’t been to school in a week but they understand why. Rebecca has brought me home homework for me to work on and she has kept me in the loop of gossip. Of course she has, it’s Rebecca. My mom has been quiet lately also. I guess the effect this has caused me having her second guess herself which I never attend her to do. Yesterday after the wake I hugged my mom for about an hour on the couch. We cried, watched television, and cried some more. The both of us need each other at this point.

          I got to my knees and walked out of the cemetery. I drove my own car today knowing I’d probably go somewhere else afterward. Arriving home, I took off my heels and wondered into the kitchen. A piece envelop was lying there on the countertop with my name written on it. I walked toward it and picked the envelop up in my hands. My mom must’ve put this here before we left, knowing I’d come back earlier than she would.

          I took a seat at the counter and flipped the envelop over. My finger slid under the flap, opening it. I took out a letter and placed the envelop on the countertop. I handled the letter gingerly, like it could disappear any moment. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening the letter. I read:

Dear Annabelle,

          I’m sorry you didn’t know about my plan to sacrifice myself, but I felt it was the right thing to do. I love you more than you’ll ever know Anna. Goodbye is irrelevant to me because I’m here with you right now as you read this. I’ll always be here for you down the road, through your struggles even though I’m not there psychically. I wish you a happy life now Annabelle, so don’t mop around too long because of little ol’ me. Live your life Annabelle because it will be a great one honey.

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