│Chapter 2│

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New part here. I'm super excited about this story! I'm seriously in love with writing it and i hope you guys enjoy reading this






The rest of the class period was painful. Why? Because Derek and I fought the whole time. We had to come up with an idea and I would say one and he would say no. It was a way to annoy me and he knew it was working. When the bell signaled us to leave, I basically shot out of my seat and ran out of the door. I didn't wait for Jake as I made my way through the crowd of students. All I wanted was to get home and relax. I know my mom would probably be waiting for be with a fancy dress because since I was little she enrolled me into 'manner classes'. Her dream has always been for me to meet a 'polite' and 'rich' man so he can take care of me. I understand, her intensions are for the best, but I don't want to go -never do. I just went along to please my mom because of my curse. I see the disappointment in her eyes when all my friends are hanging out with boyfriends or girlfriends and I'm stuck at home - eating sweets or watching movies. But I'm content with my life. I've survived seventeen years just fine.

I spin my combination into the lock and pop my locker open. I throw all my unwanted books into my locker and shut it with anger. Today has been very eventful to say the least. It's not that I'm mad at Rebecca; I'm more disappointed in her. I wished she would've trusted me to be okay when she told me she had a boyfriend. Instead, I had to find out as they suck face. Not the best way to tell your best friend you got a boyfriend.

"Couldn't run out of class fast enough?" I jumped and looked to my right to see Derek. He was standing there, or more like leaning against the lockers beside mine. He had a smirk plastered on his face. All I wanted do to at the moment was slap it off.

I glared at him, "What do you want? I have to get going."

"I was wondering if you wanted a ride," he said as he straightened to his full height.

I raised an eyebrow in shock, "Why are you asking?"

"Okay," he said holding up his hands in surrender. "It's Rebecca. Since she's my bud's new girl it's only right to make her happy. She wants me to give you a ride because I'm driving her and Landon also."

I let out a breath through my lips, "Tell her I can't. Tell her it's Thursday, she'll understand why."

I started to walk toward the front doors when I felt someone walking beside me. I didn't need to look to see who it was. "Why? What are you doing today?"

"Something," I replied.

"Let me at least drive you home," Derek insisted. "Rebecca said your car was in the shop. I wouldn't want my English partner walking home alone. She could get in a freak accident."

"You just care about the project," I stated as I readjusted my bag over my shoulder. I opened one of the double doors while Derek opened the other. "Listen, if you can get me home in five minutes then I promise I won't die so you'll actually get a good grade on the project."

His lips tugged at the corners, "Deal."

I follow behind Derek to his car. I noticed all the unwanted stares I received just because I was walking with Derek. As I watch all the people, mostly girls, look at me in disgust, I couldn't help but want to be swallowed up and disappear. I'm usually 'ballsy' with Rebecca but I don't have the guts to say anything if I'm alone. I despise confrontation and avoid it at all cost.

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