|Chapter 28|

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New part!

Person I dedicated made me the amazing new cover and is an amazing author on here, check out her novels! Thank you :D

SONG: Can't get this song out of my head, dont know if it fits, but listen to it. Going back to the 80s









The musical is two days away. I’m been trying to find a way to get out of the musical but I can’t. I’m a nervous wreck! I was currently backstage getting ready to go on. I was pacing back and forth, playing with my fingers. Was there anything I can do to stop my mom? No, probably not and that’s what kills me.

          Suddenly, two arms run up my arms. Derek was looking at me with concern. “Are you okay?” he asked. “It’s your turn to go on stage.”

          I sighed and rested my forehead against his chest, “I’m just peachy.”

          He rubbed my back, “I’m going to take you out to dinner after. You can talk to me then.”

          I nodded and hugged Derek. If you would’ve told me months ago that I’d be dating Derek Holt—I’d call you insane. Now, I can’t see my life without him. Clique as it sounds. Derek held me to him as the stage crew people were changing the sets. I needed Derek’s comfort now and I’m glad he has stuck around this long. He kissed my head when the director called my scene.

          “Break a leg,” he said as I walked to the stage.

          I wouldn’t say it was my best performance because it wasn’t. I would mess up on simple lines or stumble on the lyrics. The director was yelling at me to get it right because it was so close to show night. When rehearsal ended the director told me to shake it off and return tomorrow with a stellar performance. Derek wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I walked back stage to get dressed into my normal clothes. I pouted my lip as I rested my head on his shoulder. “I sucked,” I said.

          “Yes you did,” Porter said. He had a triumphant smile on his face with his arms folded on his chest. He thinks he’s all that, I wish I could just smack his face.

          “Shut up Porter,” I warned before going down into the green room to change. It probably wasn’t the best idea leaving Porter and Derek upstairs by themselves, but their grown men. They can handle their hate toward each other just fine. Knowing Derek however, he’ll probably snap. I quickly changed before jogging up the stairs. I opened the door and found Derek up in Porter’s face. This is what Porter wants. He wants his spot back considering he’s all healed. I jumped between the two and placed my hands on Derek’s chest. “He isn’t worth it. Come on, I’m starving.”

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