|Chapter 14|

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I honestly cried when i started writing the ending. But in my opinion, it had to happen. I know what will go through everyone's minds when they read it, but it had to happen. I'm sorry, but it had to.

CHARACTER SLIDESHOW: Made by the person I dedicated. Its awesome and I recommend you order from her for one!




Hope you like this....although there might be fixed feelings...






      It’s finally Friday and I can’t wait until school is over so our road trip can begin. Derek and I ended up finding this woman who apparently knows a way out of the curse. We were uncertain at first, but we have to give it a try. I decided to skip lunch today because I wasn’t feeling that I could eat and I have to type up our project for English class.

          “Where’s the boyfriend?” I looked up and saw Jake coming over. I haven’t talked to him in what seems like forever.

          “In lunch,” I say as I’m about to finished typing. Jake takes a seat beside me when I ask, “What are you doing here? You can lunch too. All the girls will be missing you.”

          “They can go without me for a day,” he says as he stretches in the computer seat. “So how’ve you been?”

          “Great,” I reply. “But my mom is getting on my nerves.”

          “When doesn’t she?” he asked kiddingly.

          I shook my head, “Now, she’s way worse. Ever since I began dating Derek and it annoys me. She’s trying to set me up with this kid Brian—right in front of Derek’s face. I’m embarrassed she’s my mother.”

          Jake was looking at me intensely, trying to figure something out. “You really care for him? Don’t you?”

          “I’m…falling for him,” I admit to Jake. “And I know you don’t trust him, but I do. He’s proven that he cares.”

          Jake nodded, “All I want is for you to be happy.”

          I smiled, “I am.” I hit the copy button and got up from the computer chair and walked over to the printer. I grabbed the typed written assignment before walking back to the computer I occupied. “So, are you dating anyone? Or do you have a crush that I should know about?”

          Jake smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, “Um, I’m not dating anyone, but I may want to hang up by player belt for this one girl.”

          “Who is it?” I asked, almost falling off my chair.

          Jake had a blush on his cheek and he looked nervous. “It’s not someone you would think,” he said.

          I rolled my eyes, “Just tell me Jake!”

          He sighed, “Jenna Thomas.”

          Jenna Thomas is a straight A student who is in softball. Normally Jake goes after girls who have their boobs pushed up and a face that’s covered in makeup. Jenna on the other hand is really pretty and natural. Now that’s a girl Jake should be going after.

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