|Chapter 27|

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Sorry it took so longand sorry this is short. I wanted to finish my werewolf story so I can focus on finishing this story. I'm sarting to wrap up this story. Probably five more chapters left--not so sure. The next part gets good.

Once again. this is SHORT! Sorry, wanted ot get something up.




Thank you!




PS: Love Kid Cudi (hence my status yesterday). Love this song!



A few days after my mom’s incident she was still in the hospital. The doctors wanted to make sure she was perfectly fine before heading back home. They wanted to make sure it never happened again. Today, she is was sent home and it was about time I talk to her. She is supposed to ‘go away’ in two weeks, after my musical performance. There wasn’t much time left.

          “Mom,” I said sternly as I sat on the couch. She was reading a magazine and had her feet propped up on the couch. “Can I talk to you?”

          She put the magazine down and looked up at me. “About?”

          “You know what,” I snapped. “Please tell me you’re not…dying…the night of my musical?”

          My mom’s face was impassive. “No, I’m not.”

          I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. “I followed you Mom. You met up with a woman and talked about ‘going away’,” I said in air quotes. “All I want to say is, please don’t do it. I’m fine with living with the curse. I don’t need to kiss anyone. I just want both my parents around.”

          My mom looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I want you to Anna. You deserve to experience such a wonderful act.”

          I shook my head, tears of my own falling, “No, it’s okay.”

          She got to her feet and cupped my face, “Please don’t try to stop me. I need to do this. I want to do it.”

          A sob came from me and I closed my eyes. This can’t be happening. “What about what I want?” I whispered.

          My mom brushed the hair out of my face before kissing my forehead, “Do you want to kiss Derek? Yes. I know this will be tough, but you’ll be strong.”

          “Please don’t,” I whispered—my last plea.  

          “I have to go meet your father,” she said, pulling away. “We will be home soon.” Then she was gone.

          I collapsed on the couch and cried. I don’t know for how long but I just stayed curled up for a while. My throat burned and my stomach hurt from crying so much. I wiped my tears and laid on the couch—looking at nothing. I felt numb, I felt hopeless. I eventually walked to my room so I could cry some more. I looked through pictures and family videos that were recorded when I was a kid. How can my mom do this to me? To Dad? To our family?

          “Anna?” I heard Rebecca’s voice behind me.

          I turned my head and saw Rebecca, Jake, and Derek in the doorway of my room. No doubt they could see my tears and my red eyes.

          “What happened?” Jake said, worry displayed on his face.

          A sob broke through my lips and I felt arms engulf me. I wrapped my arms around Derek and buried my head in his chest. Rebecca hugged me too while Jake rubbed my back.

          “M-My mom’s going to do it,” I mumbled in Derek’s chest. “She’s going to kill herself for me.”

          Rebecca’s shushed me and hugged me tighter.

          I have to do something. I will not stand by and let my mom do it.

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