|Chapter 13|

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Sorry it has taken me longer to get this up. Break ended a few days ago, but before then i was writing non-stop that i became exhausted! But I did finish a future chapter (which made me cry almost) so I can upload this for you guys. Thanks for understanding--hopefully.









Not Edited



Rustling noises came to my ears the next morning. I shot up and looked around me. The last thing I needed was squirrels attacking me in my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my aching muscles. It wasn’t the most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve gotten, but at least Derek was here with me. I turned and there was no sign of Derek. Where did he go?

          I ran a hand through my hair and looked around the park for any sign of him anywhere. Nope. Nothing. He better not have left me during the night. I was about to dig out my phone to call him when I saw him coming from the woods. When he came closer he said, “Good morning.”

          I raised an eyebrow, “Where have you been?”

          “Um…I had to pee,” he said coming to sit beside me.

          Speaking of…, “Derek, I need to go to the bathroom.”

          He smirked and signaled to the woods, “Nature’s bathroom.”

          I glared at him, “Come on!” Derek wasn’t giving anything away. I started to pout and when that didn’t work I got desperate. I mean, my blatter was about to burst! “Derek please!” I said shaking his arm. “I need a toilet!”

          Derek started chuckling before he jumped off the bridge. “Fine, I’ll take you to my house.”

          I smiled in relief as I jumped down also. I grabbed my duffel bag and basically ran to Derek’s car. I heard him laughing behind me, but all I cared about was getting to a bathroom. When I reached Derek’s car and pulled the handle I realized the worse news I could possibly experience—it was locked. I looked back at Derek who is walking casually and am I add slowly.

          “Derek!” I exclaim as I hop up and down like a child. “I need to go!”

          He burst out laughing again. I scowled at him and thankfully he opened the door. I threw the car door open and hopped inside. Derek got in and started the car. I drummed my fingers against the armrest as I wait to arrive at his house. When we arrive at Derek’s house I jumped out of his car and ran to the front door. Once Derek opened the door I shot down the hall where the bathroom was location. Note to self—go to the bathroom next time I want to leave home.


          “Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo,” I started from our Literature book. I pushed my lips together to make a farting sound before I threw the book on the couch, hitting Derek’s legs which were spread out beside me. “What are we going to present on?” I asked Derek.

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