|Chapter 3|

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Next part here. I hope you guys will like it!

BANNER: the person who i dedicated made it. It's amazing it's it? I love it!

SONG: Which movie is this song from? ANyone know?





Thank you!



Derek smirked before saying, “This is what I get when I get into trouble. Community service. But sadly, I have to work for rich snobs. This is the last place I would expect you to be.”

          I was too amazed to register what he was saying until I came off my confusion about how Derek was here. My eyebrows narrowed, “I don’t want to be here. I do this for my mom.”

          “Why?” he asked as he put the tray of snacks on the table.

          “I-,” I couldn’t finish because I heard my mom’s voice coming down the hall. Derek and I both looked back at the same time to see my mom coming our way. I started to panic and I needed to get away.

          “Why are you talking to the…help? Classes have already started. You need to be in there. Brian is waiting,” when she said Brian’s name her gaze landed on Derek, daring him to say something.

          I was too shocked at what she first said. The help? What the heck does she think she’s talking about! This is how she gets when she hangs out with those snobby parents. I turn back to Derek and grab his hand. Without thinking much of it, I started dragging Derek behind me as I head for the exit.

          “Annabelle!” I heard my mom yell. “What do you think you’re doing?”

          I heard my mom’s heels clicking behind us, indicating she was running. Once we were in the parking lot I dropped Derek’s hand and asked, “Car? Where is it? Get me away from here.” I said desperately.

          Derek seemed to be debating to either allow me to go with him or he just leaves me behind to suffer the wrath of my mother. I watched as he examined my expression closely. His face softened as he registered the desperation in it. Our heads, both, looked at the back door when it flew open to reveal my mother. She spotted us and started making her way over. I grabbed Derek’s hand and pleaded with my eyes. He squeezed my hand before taking off with me behind him. We approached a motorcycle and I stopped in my tracks as Derek got on.

          “Come on,” he said as he held out a helmet to me.

          I looked back at my mom. She’s running our way now as she’s screaming her head off for me to go back into the class. I took a deep breath before I maneuvered my way onto the motorcycle. I put on the helmet before I told Derek to go. He jolted forward and I wrapped my arms around him so I wouldn’t fall off. I faintly heard my mother’s screams over the engine but soon her screams fainted away. I didn’t know where Derek was taking me and truly, I didn’t care. As long as I was away from that place.

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