Assigned Rooms

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Ganxer: Okay! Everyone, come downstairs!! I think I have gotten the layout finally done.

Everyone: *tramples down the stairs to the main room*

Zecora: Hey- Watch where you step!

Cinnico: WHAT?

Rahva: Cinn- you are blind, not deaf...

Cinnico: WHAT!?

Rahva: *sigh* Nevermind...

Ghost: What is the news, sis?

Ganxer: Don't call me that...

Ganxer: Since the house is going under some renovations, we need to move some people around. So! Anyone willing to give up their privacy so others don't have to sleep outside? :>

Everyone: silence

Ganxer: No excitement... hm... okay... Well what if I tel, you the rooms you have been assigned into?

Xphese: Go ahead!

Ganxer: Since Ragdoll and Zecora already bunk, there is room for one more person to join them, and I have assigned you.. um.. lets see...

Ganxer: Okay. Zecora, Ragdoll.. you will be sleeping with Nemesis!

Zecora: Awe... Maybe you will be assigned with someone amazing, Dixen!

Dixen: I am sure I will be happy with whoever I am sharing with.

Ganxer: So next we have..... Dixen. You will be bunking with Cinnico and.... Xphese

Dixen:....... Screw it, I am sleeping outside...

Xphese: Hey!! What did I ever do to you?!

Dixen: You know what you did, you fucker!

Ganxer: Uh... I placed Dixen with you, Xphese cuz she gets along with everyone... I didn't realize she doesn't like you-

Ganxer: I guess you can go with them too Ghost.

Ghost: But... sis... I wanna be with you...

Ganxer: Mm.... that is nice.. go pack your stuff and go to Xpheses's room.

Ghost: *sad fluffy dragon noises*

Ganxer: Alright.. next! *she had a smirk on her face* Alex and Benefit. No one else. Just you two.

Benefit: W-What?!

Ganxer: *Pushes the two of them away* Have fun you two!~

Alex: confused

Ganxer: Alright.. next.. Jinx you will be bunking with Inkwell and Curvey.

Jinx: Cool! :3

Ganxer: Narrator, Tyche, and Lucia, you three are together.

Narrator: You want me to sleep with that creep?! Points to Tyche

Ganxer: Yep.. I mean. unless you wanna sleep outside. but you know how Dixen gets...

Narrator huffed

Tyche: What did I even do wrong?

Narrator: Hmph!

Ganxer: And finally.. Me and you!

Shifter: You rigged the assigned rooms didnt you?

Ganxer: mhm!

Shifter: So we get a whole room to ourself?

Ganxer: Mhm a whole void!

Puri: *rubs against Ganxers leg*

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