Goddess of.....

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Since it is taking me FOVEREVER to write this next Golden Hopes chapter. I would like to give you all some fun lore on not only the RE series, but also the Golden Hopes and Jinxed series. I hope you guys enjoy!!!

Tyche sat on the couch and sighed. There was no one feeling sad or down lately and it was really putting her off. The fact that Ganxer separated her from her other form was tiring, but she was thankful to still have her true form. 

Tyche frowned knowing she would have to find her other half and go cause some chaos. She loved the smell of saddness and depression. 

She fed off of Jinx's sadness most of the time, but he has been losing it.. 

She shook her head knowing that recruiting Bill was a horrible idea, and that she should have just gotten the boy herself. 

As if she was a mind reader, Lucia walked in.

Lucia: Want to do something? I am borrreddddddd. 

Tyche: Yeah! What did you have in mind?

Lucia; Well.. a little echo told me that Zecora has made a potion she is really proud of. Want to go find it and through it into one of Ganxer's abyss traps?

Tyche: :o

Tyche: Yeah!!

They snuck into Zecora's room. Lucia and Tyche joined hands to reveal their true self. 

(You really thought I would reveal something that big here? naw. Let's just say it was too dark to see em.)

 They found the potion, and crept out of Zecora's room quietly. They were lucky it was mid-day and that she was asleep, along with her bodyguard. 

They looked over to Ragdoll, and smirked. They used their magic and as their did, Ragdoll gave a whittle whimper and hugged onto himself tighter.

They giggled and left Ragdoll there to suffer with his nightmares. 

They went back into their original state, they smiled because it was nice to have a taste of fear. 

After all. 

They are never who they say they are.

Tyche.... the goddess of luck.......

Lucia.... the ruler of all unlucky things...........

What a joke. 

We all know......

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