
9 1 46

Trigger Warning: BL00D

I knew she was never to be trusted....

Murder is a serious crime.

Well.... We don't know that for sure, here.

This place is much different from the Secrect Emergency Timelines....


Here, there is sunshine...

Fresh air....


But where ever we seem to go...



I blame Linxer and Narrator...

If they would've just stayed behind....

or if Linxer decided to leave to Dead OC for themselves.....

We would be thriving.

But no, they come with us, and Linxer keeps the closet...

And those poor construction workers.....

What were their names again?

Marma and Cally?

No..... That doest sound right...



That is it!

As for the other one... I never personally met her, but Magna always told us she was shy and kept to herself.....

Sally...... Yes, that was her name....... What ever happened to those two?

We never saw them at the SETs we were running through, or the SETs we made it to.......

Maybe I am overthinking it...

They are probably off.... Someplace where they can take a break.....

Some place.... Nice..

And maybe this is all my fault.

I should never blame others for what they do... There is always two sides to a story.....

A good story that is....

But there are some stories.... you just cannot forgive......

And they keep haunting you...

Loodwig....... I have realized you have returned.......

Is this your doing?

I can reconize that dust anywhere......

Please..... Just know that I am sorry about your family, I was young and stupid at the time...


Dont hurt the ones closest to me.....

I stared down at Dixen.

More flowers had bloomed around her, even though she was on a mattress,  no where near nature, it still found their way to her.

I opened a nearby drawer and grabbed a roll of fresh bandages.

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