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A black figure was floating in a holding cell.

His eyes were closes...... but you could tell..... he was....... lost.....

A figure with a mask of a crow approched the cell.

Ganxer(?):"Well now....... What do we have here.........."

The dark figure formed itself, he wore a dark cloak and top hat that had the symbol of time on it, and he held and hourglass close.

He opened his pitch black eyes, but in moments, white, dull, eyelights apeared.

???: "W h e r e . . ."

Ganxer(?): "You don't need to worry about that. Just know that I got you out of your loop, and I expect you to hell me out.............. unless of course...."

She paused as she looked at her black nails.

Ganxer(?): "You want to be placed back in that time loop.... Soliss...."

Soliss: "W h o ?"

The monster in the mask looked at him, dead in the eyes.

Ganxer(?): "You. You are Soliss........ Haha.... Wait... I think I see what is going on here... Very well then, just use ykur power wisely, and don't mess up anything....... little Sun Prince......"

The masked figure turned her back and left the dark figure uncaged, leaving the masked girl open for attacks.

However the dark figure... Soliss did not attack the girl. He just floated there, trying to make sense of things.

Ganxer(?): Are you coming?

She turned her head back a little so she could see the dark figure once more.

Soliss: " Y e s . . . "


Soliss followed the masked girl until she met up with another figure.

She had a white eye with a yellow star pupil on her right eye, and a black eye with a grey and white cross on her left. She wore a gas mask that covered her nose and mouth, the mask had a crossbones on it.

Ganxer(?): Take this one to the Open Field...

The figure nodded her head, as a look of fear struck her face.

She didn't speak, and lead Soliss to the Open Field.


The masked girl walked down a dark hallway alone. She trailed her hand against the wall as she walked.

She finally came across another door, and she smiled.

As she approached, the door opened automatically, and she walked right in.

In a glowing blue tube, filled with a mysterious liquid, floated a Eeire furry. He had tube connecting in and out of him.

The masked figure pulled up her mask above her forehead, and looked at the computer.

Ganxer(?): "I can feel your presence come closer to me every single day..... You're hear aches for revenge and anger... which is exactly what I need..... Perhaps with a hint of betrayal as well........"

The unmasked figure's tail swayed at a slow pace.

Ganxer(?): "Don't you


The figure lead Soliss into an elevator, he felt his gravity go downwards.

Soliss was quiet, trying to think of what to say to this girl, to figure out what was going on.

Soliss: " S o . . . W h a t I s G o i n g O n . . ? "

The girl simply looked at him, before looking back at the door.

Citres: "You are going to go through training."

Soliss felt nervous.

Soliss: " T r a i n i n g F o r W h a t ? "

Citres: "I am not supposed to talk to you, you know........"

Soliss glared at her in frustration before looking down at his hands. For some reason, he did not recognize himself at all.

The elevator finally came to a stop. Judging on how long that elevator ride was, they were very deep underground.

The girl walked out of the eleavtor, heading to the right.

Soliss kept quiet and just followed the girl.

. . .

After a bit of walking, and a lot of security walls passed, they reached the Open Field.

The girl stood behind Soliss as he took in the smell of fresh grass, and heard to sound of others murmuring.

The girl pushed Soliss in and quickly closed the tight-seal lock door behind him.

Soliss started to freak out, he couldn't help but get the feeling he was being watched.

He looked around but all he saw was trees and bushes, and a passing squirrel.

He watched as the squirrel jumped away, branch to brach, getting farther and farther away......

But something.... no.... someone still was near.

A large bush to his right, medium distance from him, started tk shake a little.

He could already see tue large dark eyes staring at him, through the leaves.

The bush person stood, it almost looked like they were growing.

Before Soliss's eyes could focus on the figure, it


The masked figure flew back to original lab. Everyday, she was working on Project Myth... She felt like she was close... but she wasn't certain. She needed anther test subject.......... she knew she was out.... She couldn't keep testing on herself and her narrator.........

Then she had an idea..... She would catch a Lost Soul..... and test them.

She had forgotten them anyways.......

She flew through the shadows, heading towards the closet. She had some work to


Floripondio: "Why hello, hun!"

The tall giraffe creature took ahold of Soliss's arm.

Soliss: "B a d T o u c h , B A D T O U C H ! S t r a n g e r D a n g e r !"

Things seemed to slow, then speed up.....

The bush person stood, it almost looked like they were growing.

Floripondio: "Why hello, hun!"

Soliss: "H u h . . ?"

Floripondio: "Do you need your ears checked? I said hello!"

She smiled at Soliss. It probably would be comforting if she didn't have sharp, pointy teeth.

Floripondio: "Well, I think we should be on a move on, hun. We can do introductions later on."

Soliss nodded, before he was picked up, by surprise.

Floripondio: "Wow, hun, you are really light. You need to get some weight on your bones!"

Soliss looked away sadly.

Flori picked up on this.

Floripondio: "Oh dear.... did I say somethin' wrong, hun?"

Soliss: "

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