The Hunger games Day 2

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Zecora finds a convenient House of the Seven Gables and decides to use it as shelter.

Virus eats KFC.

Jinx heals Virus.

Apollo spins fidget spinner fatally at Quattour.

Xphese breaks Apollo's neck.

Benefit sends a mass mail.

Linxer gets the flu.

Ghost unluckily trips despite the 1/100 chance.

Noise heals Linxer .

Puri is stung by BEES.

Nixe is accused of mansplaining.

Felicity heals Jinx.

Fetch said racial slurs on a Twitch livestream and got roasted to death.

Magna discovers a bucket of KFC lying on the ground.

Oniyx gets strep throat and dies.

Crow gets an ulcer.

Aeries dies of shame after being kicked off the finance team.

Mischief discovers a wild Ohio Fried Chicken lying on the ground.

Dolly gets mono.

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distanceThe following tributes have fallen:

Oniyx: 0 Kills
Aeries: 0 Kills
Apollo: 1 Kill
Quattour: 0 Kills

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