Cupid's.... Erm... Angel's Arrow

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(I want to get more into my Dead OCs so you can learn more about where I am taking this, and all sorts of secrets! Also, I wanted to get into more character development for Narrator, cuz why not. She ain't gonna like it but it is necessary. Let's see if she used that cloth I gave her.... It will be useful)

Ganxer was visiting the OCs in the closet.

Ganxer: Hehe, looks like you guys are having a blast in here! I am sorry I can't stay longer.

Raviage: No worries. We are just happy to see you.

Springy: Mhm! I am also glad you found something that calms the static.

Ganxer: I just found it from a failed experiment, and this means we are one step closer to solving this disease. Anyways, Imma head back now.

Angel: Alright, bye! He hugged Ganxer, and one of his arrows latched onto her clothes.

Ganxer: Bye everyone! she shut the latch and laid in her bed, before turning into shadow form

The arrow latched onto her shadow form, as she flew through the shadows. As she went through the door, the arrow was attached to her enough for it to phase through with her. She was flying to Anubis's house to see how things were going, but the arrow latched off as she flew threw the living room.

Arrow: Clank

Jinx: Hm?

Benefit: Did something fall?

Jinx spots the arrow.

Jinx: Was that there before? Jinx points at the arrow.

Benefit: No, I don't think so.

Jinx picked it up. It had a type of pink liquid on the tip of it.

Benefit: Should you really be touching it?

Jinx: Psh, what harm could a silly little arrow do.. I mean... Unless it was really sharp. He poked the tip.

A jolt went through Jinx

Benefit: Jinx? Are you okay? You kinda zoned out for a second there...

Jinx shook his head.

Jinx: What? Huh? He looked at Benefit.

Benefit: You want to get back to playing Minecraft?

Jinx: Uh....... Is it just me or do you look...... nicer.......

Benefit: What?

Jinx: What?

Benefit: You are confusing...

Jinx: I am sorry Bene...

Benefit: Uh...... You apologized-

Jinx: Mhm? 

Benefit: are you okay? You face is very red..

Jinx didn't realize he was blushing.

Jinx: What?

Benefit: One second, let me get you some ice.

Jinx: NO!

Benefit: Hm?

Jinx: Sorry.. I didn't mean to raise my voice... Stay here with me...

Benefit: Uh...... Okay?

Benefit sat next to Jinx against the wall. Jinx put his head on Benefit's shoulder

Benefit: Uh...... Jinx?

Jinx: Hm..?

Benefit: You are in my personal space.. and you are extremely red. Please let me get you an ice pack.

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