Soul's Facade

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A watery substance dripped through the tubes that connected the glass vials to one another.

Three scientists, one seemed quite professional, took notes as the liquid filled the clear, heart shaped capsule at the end of the connected vials, the other seemed distracted, and watched the process while chewing gum,

And the last one, the head scientist, watched from a distance, making sure things were going right.




It filled fully, and the scientists disconnected their mechanism from their pseudo monster soul shaped capsule.

They hoped for this soul to help expand the monster population, an artificial soul to fill the amount of helping hands around the lab.

They looked at the clear, empty soul, now trying to figure out how to make the soul work.

The room was quiet, two of the scientists looked at the soul, wondering if it had worked.

Assuming it was safe, the professional looking scientist walked over and gently picked up the pseudo soul, then suddenly


The power in the room immediately goes out, and the scientist is absorbed into the soul, gone without a trace.

Papers began to fly across the room, the gum chewing scientist stared in fear at what had happened to his coworker, when suddenly the head scientist walked up behind them and pushed them into the soul.

Not expecting it, the scientist was also absorbed into the soul as the head scientist stared, waiting for his work to finally awaken.

The soul finally seemed to calm down, then began to glow in flashes of green, yellow and red, making the room dark everytime it changed color.

The head scientist smiled, his work and hypothesis had been correct, now all he needed was something natural for this soul to call a host.


A spotted puppy, barely the size of a basket ball was playing with their littermates. They didn't know exactly what they were playing, but they just knew they were having fun.

The puppy noticed out of the corner of their eye some big people taking some of their siblings, but didn't care too much about it, and kept playing, biting on their siblings' ear gently.

Eventually, they were taken and picked up as well. They had no clue where they were going, but they thought that they would probably be met up with their siblings.

They watched as they were carried down a white hall, noticing the windows on the walls, but not daring to look in, too excited to be met up with some of their littermates.

They were taken into a room and gently set on a chair. They were confused, where were their siblings?
The puppy was suddenly forced down onto the ground, in a lying position, and a metal plate was placed on their head.

Their eyes widened, what was going on?! How could they get back?! They didn't want to be here.

However, just as soon as the plate had been set on them, it had been taken off. The dog was picked up once more before they were carried to a separate room where they were united with their siblings.

Their tail wagged as they played with their siblings, until the big person came back, picked out the puppy, and took them away again.

The puppy squirmed in a frustrated tantrum, but eventually calmed down.

Before they knew it, they were handed off to someone else, their hands had holes through them, and were not comfortable to be held in.

The man with holes in his hands examined the puppy before talking with the other man. The puppy didn't know what they were saying, but it probably wasn't important.

They waited to be set down, and they eventually were, however it was in a new room, not in the room where their siblings were.

They looked back at the man with holes in their hands, confused, and then suddenly, the door closed behind the puppy.

The puppy was confused, and looked around the cold, metallic room, before they eyed a bright object.

In the eyes of the puppy, it changed colors. It went from a brownish-Grey, to a yellow, to an almost white green.

Being as curious as they were, they walked upto the object, not knowing what it was.

They felt a sense of comfort as they got close to it, so they got closer, and closer, and closer, until they eventually touched their nose to the heart-shaped object.

They suddenly felt any fear they may have had disappear.

It was replaced by anger.

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