Thoughts and Feelings

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The balloons slowly fell to the ground as the helium leaked out of them.

The rains gentle touch could be heard on the window.

The room was dark and quiet, reminding all those in it what happened…

Or rather, what didn't happen.

This did not go as planned.

The rain continued to pour.

Raindrops racing down the window,

letting gravity pull them down as they fell.

The light pouring in from the window,

lit up the face of the tall, slim girl;

Her arms wrapped around her legs

This did not go as planned.

She hoped her friends would come and join her

She hoped her friends would come and support her

She hoped

The girl looked down at herself, wondering if it was the reason why they wouldn't share her joy

Her joy of being alive and free

But no one came.

The gentle, soothing sound of the rain on her window was her only friend.

The streamers swayed to the cold air blown in by the AC

The balloons laid still on the floor.

The girl closed her eyes, hoping one more time they they would arrive, and support her

But then she woke up.

Charlotte sat up from her stiff bed, that had paper thin sheets.

She looked around the room she had in tent, before hissing at the pain from her head as a drip of static goop fell from her cheek.

Charlotte got up and stretched, before passing by a mirror, not even giving it a glance, and finally leaving the room.

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