Something we Forgot?

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Jinx was sitting on a bench outside, feeling blue. He was kicking the small gravel under his boots, and his hands were propping up his head. 

Benefit was watching him from a window, sensing something.

Ganxer snuck up behind Benefit.

Ganxer: Uh..... Benefit? What are you doing.....?

Benefit: *unphased* Does Jinxberry seem....... off to you? 

Ganxer: Not really *She bit into an apple*

Benefit: He seems more sad than normal... Did we forget anything?

Ganxer pulled out a mini calendar from hammerspace.

Ganxer: Not that I am aware of...

Benefit: Should we ask him? 

Ganxer: Um.................... Nah, I am sure he is fine and you have just started to crack.


Ganxer: What?

Benefit: Are you serious..... he facepalmed. Am I the only one who actually has eyes?!?! His eye lights are dim, and you are telling me you never noticed!!

Ganxer looked at Jinx for a moment.

Ganxer: Nah, he seems normal to me!

Benefit let out a exasperated sigh.

Benefit: Fine, you can stay here and eat that apple. I am going to ask him.

Ganxer held up a thumbs up and walked away to make sure Alvin did not fall asleep, and that the kitchen was not on fire.

Jinx let out a sigh. 

Benefit walked near, and sat next to him, putting his shoulder around him.

Dixen, in a nearby tree: oooOOOooooo, something to emotional is about to happen.

Benefit: Can it Fluff!!

Dixen scurried away.

Jinx: ...

Benefit: Hey.... are you okay?

Jinx: I'm just thinking about things........

Benefit: Like?

Jinx: ... Do you know what last week was?

Benefit: Should I?

Jinx looked at Benefit with an upset expression.

Jinx: Why did I think you would know anyways.........

Benefit: What?

Jinx got up and walked away.

Benefit: Uh...... Yeah I need to get to the bottom of this....

Ganxer: Alvin! For the last time! Stop cooking and go to sleep!

Alvin: I will sleep when I'm dead!!!!!!

Ganxer: Alvin, no!! That pot is hot!!

Pots came crashing down. One pot full of boiling water full on Puri.

Puri: I'm mellltttinngggggggggg. I'm melltttttttiiiiinnnnngggggggggggggggg. 

Puri slowly turned into a magenta puddle.

Ganxer and Alvin just stared at the puddle.

Alvin: o-o

Ganxer: ..................... Fuck this! I am out! You all can blow up the house for all I care! I am going to my safe place.

Ganxer heads to her room.

Benefit came into the house.

Benefit: Uh..... why do you all look like you've seen the devil?

Lucia: Hey! I am right here!

Benefit: Sorry, sorry. What happened?

Lucia: Ganxer.

Benefit: Makes sense. Hey, you know Jinx well, right?

Lucia: Why are you saying that like you have never met him......

Benefit: Wellllll he got angry at me because I forgot something... I don't know what I forgot, but I hope he isn't to mad about it....

Lucia: Oh, he is furious. 

Benefit: !

Benefit: So you know?

Lucia: Yep. He told me if they don't know, don't tell em.

Benefit: Why?

Lucia: I don't know.

Benefit: Hm......... Okay then....

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