Don't get court |smut|

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Tess and Sarah wanted me to go out more. Saying I was working too hard at the shop and it was the twin's dream not mine.
And their answer to this was in fact a day out shopping in London. Which doesn't really help with the whole dream situation and what ill do with my life but I guess the working hard part was true. Not to mention the amount of testing I've been doing lately for their products. Something tells me it's just for fun now.

"Ok, Sarah we have (y/n) looking sexy for her two hunky boyfriends. Me with my cute little devil but nothing for your date tonight?" Sarah had a date, with someone from her work. Seemed nice but all she wants right now was some sexual relief apparently. Which I do understand.

"I told you I already went shopping. Besides (y/n) here still needs that new underwear. You still haven't told us how you've been holding up with the pair of them." Rolling my eyes with a smile they dragged me into a store for some lingerie. I'd told them some things. No great detail but I knew they wouldn't tell nor judge. In fact, they want my life apparently.

"We last place we did it was in the kitchen before they had work this morning." the pair gasped and Tess whined a small amount.

"Merlin I wish I had your sexual life. Quinn is great, dick and all but two mega hot twins banging you in the daily and they love you. You can't beat it." slapping her shoulder looking about to make sure no one heard she chuckled.

"How about this?" Sarah held up a cute pair of lacy underwear but Tess shook her head.

"Nope, not gonna happen. She's elite double penetration material we can do better." Crossing my arms with a raised brow tess looking at me for a moment. "Sorry too much."


Another half-hour later of tight g string wearing I made it back in time for closing. Walking through the store no one was around apart from Fred finishing up the cash register run for the day.

"Hey, Freddie." Smiling he looked up from concentrating on the paper in front of him.

"Love you made it. Have fun with the girls?" He was eyeing the tight skirt I wore. Shorter than the one I wear to work which he loved so much.

"Yep got some clothes and makeup. A fun day out." lifting the bags to the side Fred wanted me to go through them to see what I got. Shutting the cash draw I hopped up onto the counter with fred fight in front of me while I went through them.
"Some new pants for work, some foundation, a new pair of shoes." He listened quietly probably thinking what id look like with said clothes on. "And some new lingerie." Before I could go on Fred grabbing my wrist.

"Let's have a look."

"It's got the underwear I was wearing before," Fred smirked elbows resting on the counter on either side of my thighs as he started playing with the hem of my skirt.

"So where is it now?" Sliding both hands up his suit Fred moved his hands up my legs.

"I think you know."

"Then let's get this off to have a better look." Giggling Fred kissed me sliding me off the count until my feet hit the floor.

"So no employees? George?" His lips trailed down. Mapping out my neck and finishing at my ear.

"Sent everyone home and George had to go out to get some restocks." humming against his slick whisper voice fred took a moment to unbutton the shirt I wore to see the see-through lace bra I wore. He licked his lips. "So sexy and just for me. Lift up your skirt for me." Biting my lip listening to him Fred saw the low waisted thin lingerie that made his pants pop in anticipation. "Turn around and bend over." my chest hit the cold counter. A view of the empty street in the distance could just be seen through the high stacked boxes. It made my pussy clench. "Mmmm I do like the set. The silk straps are nice." Fred's hand slid around the curve of my ass. Sighing out in pleasure he let me wiggle my ass for a moment before slapping it. I moaned.

"Freddie come on stop teasing."

"Teasing what do you mean? I just wanted to see what you brought. Like a good boyfriend." A mischievous chuckle followed. This hand outlined the end seam in between my legs making me whine.

"And a good boyfriend would always help his girlfriend when she needs it." Fred stopped, leaning over me a whisper info the back of my neck made me shiver.

"And what was it you needed?"

"For you do fuck me with your hard cock Freddie." my underwear went straight to the floor and the zipper of Fred's pants was heard.

"Spread yourself baby girl." grabbing both ass cheeks I heard fred hold back a groan and more teasing followed with his cock rubbing against me. "And did you wear this underwear to get attention?"

"I wore this skirt to get attention." Fred chuckling knowing that I knew how much he loved when I showed off my ass for him.

"Mmm you dirty girl." He inched in and started some shallow thrusts. When suddenly pushing into him Fred groaned ashes cock was now fully sunk inside for me. "Fuck baby girl, you're in for it now." The teasing slow start he was hoping for stopped abruptly and now he was thrusting so hard my hips hit against the counter. Letting go of my ass cheeks I went straight for the countertop arching myself Fred thrusted into me my hands on either side of my hips.

"Merlin Freddie deeper." His hips slapped into mine as I moaned quietly not wanting anyone to look inside the store.

"There are people out there remember to be quiet" My body was pulsing for him and as one hand sunk between my front legs and softly rubbed my clit. I tightened around him and fred pressed harder.

"Freddie I'm close." moaning louder he covered my mouth with his spare hand. He was hitting right into my g spot and was bringing me so close to my edge.

"Let go baby girl." Moaning into his hand my body shook as I came hard against him. Fred swore under his breath finishing off as well. "You did do well." Fred breathed out pulling out. Our mixed arousal followed and he stared at that spot for a moment.

"Mmmm that was good." using my arms to lift up Fred went to the floor bringing back up my underwear and squeezing my cheeks for a moment.

"Yo Fred are you down there?" My eyes went wide hearing Ron upstairs. Pulling down my skirt and starting to button up my shirt Fred zipped up his pants as Ron trotted down the stairs.

"Yeah. (y/n) was just showing me what she got today." grabbing my bags Ron gave me a tight lip smile along with a nod.

"We have dinner in the flat." Fred turned to me with a smirk taking a few bags.

So this story is technically complete but i'll be updating whenever I write something. Look out for that.

In the mean time I have two other harry potter stories you can read ( ˙˘˙ )

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