Reward |Smut|

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People had been avoiding me. The rumours had spread about me dating both Fred and George around the school like wildfire. Two weeks into the term everyone knew who I was. No one was talking to me about any of this, thank god. Apparently, Tess heard some of the slitheren boys whispering about me going around having sex for money or something along those lines. I'd had random guys start talking to me and off-putting looks from girls.

"(Y/n)!" The twins said coming from behind me from around the bend I just took.

"Our beautiful queen." George went on to say kissing my cheek just before Fred spun me around. Giggling forgetting about all the things said I smiled while George and Fred took my things so I could hold both their hands.

"Let us be off. You've got a free next right?" Nodding slowly I thought for a moment about the class they had.

"Yeah but don't you have..." they stopped me from talking by speaking over me.

"Yeah, but we have it off for quittage practice." Fred shrugged so I assumed that's where we're going.

"So we wanted you to watch." Hard to refuse when they were basically dragging me down the halls. I wasn't going to do much today anyway. All of my assignments were submitted. It was the calm before the storm you could say.

"I'd love to."


Kissing both of them quickly before heading off to the stands I found a seat in the basically empty wooden seating area waiting for practice to start. Spending that time by putting my books away in the bag I'd had with me.

Soon the team gathered up before flying up splitting into two teams. Overall it was just an average practice other than Fred and George almost getting hit when distracted by me. Them trying to show off was the most amusing thing. It leads to me smiling which pleased them. Practice was over but the twins came flying over.

"So how'd we do?" Standing onto the platform and pushing the brooms closer to me.

"Good enough to get a reward." They grinned mischievously at me. George leant down a little to kiss me but I pulled back. "Go on get changed." They flew off so I made my way down to the change rooms. Fred and George came tumbling out, giggling seeing there shirts uneven before their sweater hid the quick job of changing.

"Secret spot?" Fred said, already pulling me along.

"Secret spot." The three of us were almost in a fit of laughter running through the castle. They took me the quickest way of knowing the place like the back of their hands. Once the doors opened and shut behind us I shrugged off the annoying robe we had to wear. Although it did keep me warm in the colder weather. The twins were on me quickly. Fred grabbed hold of my lower waist bringing me into a rough kiss while George unbuttoned my shirt while lifting my sweater. His lips were on my neck. A breathless moan escaped me.

"What's our reward love?" George asked lips just below my ear as I pulled back to get my sweater off and shrug the shirt off my shoulders.

"Anything you want boys." My hot breath hit Fred face and he smirked giving me another strong kiss. Kicking off my shoes and when doing so Fred leant further down to keep our lip connected. George got to work on my skirt, raking my fingers through Fred's hair and gasped when George suddenly brought a hand between my legs. Fred smirked bringing his tongue further down my mouth.

"She's soaking down here Fred." George sucked on my upper thigh making my legs go weak. Moaning into Fred's mouth he unclipped my bra massaging me.

"Let me have a look," Fred said while pulling back from my lips. The two stood back as I removed my socks. Stepping forward tugging up there sweaters while biting my lip. Their eyes wandered my body until I lifted both chins up.

"So what's first?" George and Fred pulled off their sweaters. Going down to my knees I went to George's pants first. Grabbing his buckle and pulling down the zip his pants fell to the floor licking my lips taking a moment to tug off his jocks George's cock sprung out. Grabbing it immediately George groaned at the contact. Making sure to stare directly into his eyes once managing to lick his slit with a clear liquid pooling in that area just before sucking the tip George took hold of my hair.

Fred's pants also made it to the ground.

He grabbed my hand as I started bobbing up and down on George's member so I grasped his cock starting to pump him firmly while deep throating his brother.
My spare hand was moving around my slick folds. Moaning onto George's cock it pulsed in response.

"Merlin. George, she's fingering herself." George's eyes opened going slightly wide when seeing the fingers between my legs. Gasping I pulled back from George's cock and straight to Fred's. The hand between my legs switched with the one that was wrapped around Fred's before. George groaned at the contact of my wet hand slick with my arousal. Fred took hold of my hair pulling me down to the hilt of him.

"That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen." George hissed thrusting into my hand. Moaning when lifting my hand to my clit I rubbed soft circles as Fred continuously thrusted into my mouth.

"That's it. Now put two fingers inside of you." Fred husked. Listening I moaning louder into him making Fred hiss with pleasure. Moving my fingers as deep as they could I curved them into my gspot. Fred pulled back and I went back to George. Before switching hands, Fred stopped me.
"Use your hand to tweak your nipples." Nodding in response sucking harshly on George's tip I did as I was told. It felt strange doing this to myself but oh so good. Having the twins watch me like this was sending me into a friendzy.

"Rub yourself harder (y/n)." Moving back to my clit I jolted at the sensation but didn't stop the deep thrusts I was doing. Fred grabbed me bringing my lips back to his cock.

"Fuck (y/n) pinch yourself. Massage your breasts. Just like that." Switching between the two faster I was a moaning mess rubbing, pinch and thrusting myself to the point of an orgasm.

"I'm going to cum." I gasped before George's cock slid down my throat once more. They both groaned at that. George and Fred stepped back from my lips.

"Then finish yourself off." George breathed. Hastily going back to work watching as the pair starting jacking themselves off over my body made me shiver.

"Yes. I'm going to cum from fucking your cocks with my mouth. Ahh yes!" Moaning loudly when finally after viciously rubbing my clit I came hard onto the floor. The twins groaned having their own string of orgasm down my chest and face. Moaning at the sensation I removed my hand from between my legs collecting as much of there orgasm along my skin and moaned loudly when tasting both their white cum with my own on my lips.


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