Tess and Quinn

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There was a party in the common room. I wasn't sure who's birthday it was but was enjoying the food. Fred and George weren't around so I assumed they were pranking someone.

"Hey, Sarah where's Tess?" I asked leaning down from leaning against the wall. She shrugged.

"Said she had to go somewhere." Humming scanning the crowd she wasn't in sight. Normally she's all over having a fun night with everyone. Frowning I stood.

"I might look around for a bit. She might be lost." 

"Tess lost?" Sarah spoke before crossing her arms.

"Tess only acts like she knows where everything is." Sarah hopped up from her chair excited to get away from the crowded hot room. We left and the cool air hit us right away. Since it was the weekend the library and a few study areas were open until 11 which was in half an hour.
Going to the library first we skimmed through the large room before finding nothing. Eventually, the pair of us were just walking around naming places she could be.

"Oh, the tower she might be there." Sarah chirped but I rolled my eyes.

" she hates heights remember. First-year flying class ring any bells?" Sarah thought about it for a moment while I walked beside her hands in my pockets to keep them warm in the chilly halls.

"Oh, when she smacked into a wall."

"Broke her nose after that. That's the day we all met." Sarah was having a laughing fit remembering that day. We were asked to take Tess to the nurse which lead to us meeting.

"She kept saying something weird, what was it?"

"That damn wall better pay for my medical bill. I'll never fly again." I laughed out and Sarah joined in. Then it hit me. Someplace she could possibly be. "I got it. I'm my bloody genius come on." Turning back around down the hall we ran through the castle until coming to a set of small towers.

"What are we doing here. You said she hates heights and this is where people go to make out, been here recently ." I raised an eyebrow Sarah shrugged at me.

"No, you tosspot just keep quiet." That's when she raised a finger mimicking a moustache.

"Wanna make out?" Her horrible deep voice and the wiggle of her eyebrows made me break the silence I just insisted soon. Choking on my laughs. Sarah sudden stopped when there was another voice.

"Did you hear that?" It was Tess. My eyes went wide when I pulled Sarah around the corner. Biting my lip still smiling over what just happened there was another voice.

"I'm sure it was nothing babe."

"Quinn!" We both mouthed out together eyes wide and peeked around the corner. Through one of the small windows, we watched as they stood close together before kissing. Sarah raised her fist in the air. Silently cheering on her friend. There was a tap on my shoulder and I saw the twins right behind us. Sarah silently screamed falling to the floor when seeing two people behind us.

"Thought we heard your beautiful laugh," George whispered out while I laughed quietly at Sarah.

"What you two sneaking about for?" Fred said next and Sarah frowned fixing up her shirt.

"That." I pointed to the window where Quinn and Tess were now making out.

"Spying on your friend snogging with a guy?"

"Well, we didn't know she'd be snogging. We were trying to be food friends and..." Sarah sentence stopped when Fred let out a loud whistle.

"No snogging after curfew." He shouted wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Get some Tess," I yelled next and she blushed deeply leaning on the towers window.

"Get lost all of you or I'll spike your pumpkin juice to change your skin blue!" The three of us laughed before Sarah started pulling us away from the view of the couple.

"Always wanted to be a smurf."

"Well, maybe now you'll get the chance," George said nudging my arm.


Tess was angry at us. More than angry, furious. Which meant we had the right to annoy her until she spoke to us again.

"She still not talking to you?" George said as Tess sat further away from us reading something while eating.

"Nope. But we're working on that." Sarah nodded in agreement still eating but watched as I flicked a pea from my plate into Tess's forehead. She turned glaring at me when I made a heart shape with my hands. "I love you." I mouthed and she looked back down to her plate. The twins laughed

"Nice shot." Fred chuckled kissing my temple before having a mouthful of water.

"It's been a whole day, she's completely overreacting." Sarah pouted and I shrugged eating away.

"Tess will come around. God knows she wants to talk about what happened yesterday." George's hand went to my thigh after I spoke. Smiling at him George kissing me softly for a moment.

"And wallowing in her sadness for a whole day is doing what?" Fred asked as I pulled away from George.

"Making a point apparently." Tess didn't talk to us and left the hall not long after dessert came was on the table. I noticed Quinn leave going after her.

It wasn't until the three of us were in the dorm room trying to sleep when Tess practically jumped up from her bed.

"I made out with my new boyfriend!" She cheered hopping up onto my bed to talk about it. I knew she'd cave in but why did it have to be so late at night. I was happy but mostly annoyed at her.

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