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I woke up to the sound of a heartbeat. It was slightly odd but for the first few minutes, I didn't want to move. My body was so stiff. Groaning softly I opened my eyes. I was curled up on Fred's chest while my hand was weaved into George's hand as he spooned me. This position made me smile. Then I remembered where we were or more accurately where we weren't. Gasping My body shot up making the twins groan.

"What's the matter beautiful?" George husked out barely awake.

"What time is it? We're going to be late for class not to mention we've got no clothes that aren't Pjs to change into." Fred looped his arm around me pushing me back down onto the soft bed before curling into me. His head between my neck and shoulder.

"Calm down love there are no classes today. Hogsmeade remember?" I'd forgotten about that. "It's only just past seven anyway."

"We don't leave until ten. Breakfast is at eight-thirty." George went on to say as I relaxed again.

"So don't stress." The pair said George going to the other side of my shoulder resting there.

"What about clothes?" I felt both their cheeks rise on my skin.


Can't believe they had clothes waiting for a situation like this. What am I supposed to say to the girls when they ask questions. I wanted to skip breakfast to hide away from my friends for long enough but Fred held tightly onto my hand taking us to the great hall. The twins were talking normally together. Me in between them. Once making it to breakfast I immediately saw two pairs of eyes shoot in our direction.

"Ooo those are some stares they've got." George chuckled as we slowly walked towards them.

"What am I supposed to say?" I whispered looking to the ground blushing slightly.

"Easy. You had a sleepover in my dorm. You can even add in the part where..." I didn't let Fred finish and elbowed him lightly in the ribs. He laughed making me smile at him.

"Even if I didn't they'll assume." We sat down. Me between the twins. Tess leant forward.

"Where the hell were you (y/n)! I had to stop Sarah from getting a teacher involved." I rubbed the back of my neck blushing slightly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be out all night," I whispered back not looking up at either of them. Tess seemed to understand after that and her eyes went slightly wide.

"Where were you?" Sarah said getting elbowed by Tess. She whispered something in her ear making Sarah gasped looking between me and Fred who she thought was George who slid me closer to him before winking.

"Don't scare them off." I said making him chuckle at me as I started eating. "Are you going to Hogsmeade?" I asked the girls before having a mouthful of my breakfast.
Both of them groaned. I raised an eyebrow.

"Snape gave us detention for Tess being an idiot in the makeup class." Sarah got slapped on the shoulder by Tess. "the potion exploded when she was talking about some guy in Ravenclaw." I let out a laugh while she blushed. She's doesn't get crushes easily and when she does Tess is a nervous wreck.

"Oooo and who would the lucky guy be?" She shook her head. I turned to look at the Ravenclaw table.

"A guessing game. I like the sound of that." Fred spoke as the three of us looked around. Names were called by both Fred and George while I squinted my eyes across the table. People were beginning to stare but the three of us couldn't care less.

"Oh, I got it." I grinned spinning back around leaning forward. " browny blonde hair blue eyes and pale skin with dimples". Tess blushed and I crossed my arms chuckling at her.

"Woah good guess," George spoke finding the guy.

"How'd you know?" Fred went in to say gripping my thigh making me bite my lip.

"She has a type and Quinn is in that category." She kicked me under the table and I hissed.

"Don't say his name allowed." She warned and I waved her off.

"He's on the other side of the hall besides who was the one going around talking to Sarah's crush to get them on a date?" Sarah raised an eyebrow at that turning to Tess.

"We were third years I didn't know he'd run for the hills." Rolling my eyes I had a large mouthful of juice before standing.

"Wait love where are you going?" Fred or 'George' said as I tried stepping out from the bench.

"To freshen up before our date today." Fred's eyes went a little wide at the word date before he grinned towards me.

"Oh we're going on a date are we?" I giggled kissing him softly.

"Yep, so you better be ready for me." Whispering this against his lips, I pulled back standing up straight again to go back to my dorm room.

"Hey (y/n) wait up!" Tess said as I started walking. Sarah shoved some food in her mouth.

"Wait for me!" She cried trying to hit my head with an apple only for me to catch it.

"Then stop throwing shit and get over here." I smiled waiting by the door rolling my eyes when she tripped into Tess. "I swear the two of you are as bad as each other."


All they asked was what happened last night. Obviously, I said nothing, we just made out but they weren't buying it. Mainly since Tess noticed a few bruises on my skin. But it was dropped because they were going to be late to detention. Going down to the courtyard our year level left for the day trip.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked looping my arm around Fred's. He smirked kissing me as we walked along the cold path.

"I've got you the first half of the day with you and then. " he trailed off but I knew what he meant. George would be with me for the second half of the day. "So first sugar." I giggled as he tugged me along down the snowy road.

Caught in between Weasley twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now