Double trouble (Smut)

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Sitting under one of the trees in the courtyard I was listing to some music. Sarah sat near me although we were relaxing. Tess had detention because she was almost half a class late. Sarah said she was chatting up someone from Ravenclaw.

"(Y/n)." Humming my eyes opened and one of the twins stood by the tree smiling down at me. Taking out one of my earbuds I smiled when he sat next to me.

"Hey, George." He moved close for us to kiss. It was George.

"I'm about to go set off fireworks with Fred. Wanna come?" I grinned nodded.

"Sounds like fun. Sarah, you coming?"

"Are you kidding, heck yeah!" She jumped up and the three of us walked over to one of the open fields. Fred set off a firework just above our heads. I screamed grabbing onto George's arm while he laughed. Sarah grabbed onto me.

"I'm gonna have a heart attack one of these days." I breathed and patted Sarah's shoulder that was smouldering.

"Don't hurt my girlfriend mate," George shouted and I heard a group of people stampeding down the hill to see the fireworks. "Enjoy the show." George whispered in my ear and he ran down to join his brother.


"I can't believe I missed a fireworks show." Tess whined in the common room, Sarah was patting her back and I laughed at her.

"That's what happens when you skip class." She glared over at me and I poked my tongue out at her.

"You skip class all the time." She pointed a finger at me and I laughed.

"Teachers like me. I do my work and don't talk in tests." Smiling to myself. Fred whose lap I was sitting on wrapped both his arms around me, every now and again would kiss my neck.

"How are you dating such a goody-two-shoes?" I rolled my eyes at Tess but Fred basically ignored her kissing my neck more.

"Babe, Tess just..." Fred broke from my neck.

"Oh, I didn't realize she was talking about you." He kissed my neck again. "Because you can be naughty if you want to be." The husk made me blush and he chuckled rocking us side to side.

"Aw so cute." Sarah said shaking Tess. Wrapping my hands around Fred's he smiled against my neck. George walked into the common room and Fred tilted his head on my shoulder. They gave each other a nod. Raising an eyebrow at Fred he smiled.

"Wanna get out of here." He whispered softly and I nodded biting my lip. "We're going to study in the library," Fred said and both girls wiggled their eyebrows. I shoved Tess back.

"Make good choices."

"Make sure to wear protection." They both teased and I raised my rude finger making them laugh we walked out and into the halls.

"Secret place?" Questioning Fred this he nodded with a smile.

"Secret place."


The moment we snuck into the room of requirement our lips moulded together. Moaning as Fred started moving us to the bed in the centre of the room.

"Is George joining us?" I breathed and Fred rolled his hips into me. We both moaned.

"He was meant to be here. Maybe court by a teacher." Fred swirled his tongue with mine taking off my jumper starting to unbutton our shirts at the same time.

"Mmm well, you just get more then." He smirked against my lips breaking the kiss to suck along my neck, I finished unbuttoning Fred's shirt and slid it off him before my fingers wandered around his lightly toned chest. Fred groaned taking off my school shirt also.

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