Common room

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The twins and I made it back to school just before dinner. Which when Tess and Sarah spotted me with them I could see them freaking out. Even more so when they sat next to our group. George next to me.

"Where were you all day? We looked everywhere." Sarah was worried until George wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry about that girls. That's my fault." They both gaped at him not knowing what to say.

"Oh, I uh guess that's fine." They looked at me with shocked eyes still looking to the arm around my shoulder. I started eating as Tess and Sarah didn't know what to do.

"I'm Tess by the way." She finally said. "And I guess you know Sarah from potions." The twins couldn't reply when a speech suddenly made the room go quiet. Other than that the girls didn't talk much as the twins and I talked.

"We have detention." Fred groaned seeming to just remember.

"Damn I forgot about that," George said back and they both stood.

"With snape?" I asked and George nodded moving down to kiss me. Complying they both left and when seeing Sarah and Tess's faces I sighed.

"We can talk about it in the dorm room. Hold your screams until then." And they both stood, Tess, grabbing my arm. "Hey wait what about my cake and ice cream?"

I was dragged all the way to our dorm room and Sarah locked the door.

"Spill the beans!" The two jumped into my bed and I just froze. What do I even say?

"Last I heard you didn't have an opinion on either of them and now you're dating...."

"George." I quickly said, I'll have to remember that.

"I knew she'd go for George." Sarah said and I raised an eyebrow. If she only knew. "So what were you two doing today? Sneaking someplace and snogging all day long?"

"We went off campus and got some butter beers. It was..." Tess didn't let me finish

"Ooo off-campus. You're dating a bad boy." They swooned. "And you made out too yeah?" I blushed slowly nodding. They squealed making me sigh. It's kinda over the top but they've got nothing else to talk about these days.

"What type of kisser is he? Oh, I bet he's rough." Sarah got hit on the side with a pillow from Tess.

"I don't think you need to know that much detail." But thinking about it Fred normally starts off slow but picks up fast more playfully. He smells like a warm summer field and fresh baking, although that might because his mum does a lot of cooking when they're at home.

While George is more romantic in some ways although it's always deep and almost needy, he smells like a mix of sweets and peppermint.

I'd dazed out until I was hit with a pillow.

"Ow hey. What was that for?" Tess and Sarah laughed.

"You were daydreaming about your dream boat boyfriend. I saw the opportunity and hit it with a pillow." Frowning I hit her with a pillow. This leads to a short pillow fight until I stood above both of them.

"Take that whimpers. Now I've one the battle I'm going to get ready for bed."

The two were so out of it to even brush there teeth. While I left in my large jumper and shorts to the girl's washrooms. Spotting the twins walking in. They were both smirking to themselves and when seeing me it only grew.

"Seems like you guys had fun in detention." One of the two came up to me kissing me, thinking it through for the few seconds of our lips being together... It was Fred not George.

"Only happy to see you love." His hands went to my hips keeping me close against him.

"I'm happy to see you too. Fred" whispering that into his ear Fred leant back with a raised brow.

"Now how did you figure that one out?" I giggled and he kissed me again.

"I'll explain later. Without the prying ears." He hummed against my lips before we parted.

"Hi ya, Fred." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Getting ready for bed?" Realizing what I was wearing I tried stepping back from Fred or 'George' but he held my waist too tightly although basically on my ass.

"Yeah, I was heading up now." Slowing down my sentence still thinking it'd be a while before I fell asleep.

"Aw come on love why not hang out for a while." Biting my lip it was tempting and there was almost no one in here. Scratch that, no one was here.

"S-sure." He guided me to the floor in front of the fire. George followed behind the two of us falling onto the couch.

"Merlin, I hate writing lines. My hand is so cramped." George was clinching his hand, which I grabbed kissing it. Fred grabbed me sliding away.

"Calm down babe no one is around." Fred smirked kissing me and I hummed against his lips. George tangled a hand through my hair as I made out with his twin. Fred grabbed my hips letting me sitting on his lap. Fred tangled my tongue with his making me moan quietly, Fred slapped George's hand away before moving my hips back and forward on his lap. Fred groaned into my mouth. His fingers started going under my baggy shirt until George hit the side of Fred's head.

"Don't go having sex in the common room." Fred rolled his eyes at his brother.

"We're far from doing that. Just having some fun. Right (y/n)." A dorm room opened and shut.

"(Y/n) you down here?" Sarah whispered.

"Gotta go." I whispered pecking Fred's lips and winking at George before standing.

"Sorry. I was relaxing in front of the fire. Let's go to bed." I rushed over so she didn't see the twins and pushed her up the stairs to our dorm room.

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