Are you happy?

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Fred was in George's place for most of the afternoon. This was until Fred was called upstairs by George. To his reluctance, Fred left my side with a quick kiss before he went upstairs.

"What's with them?" Ginny said after playing a double. Ron shrugged having food in his mouth.

"Man period or something." He choked out after swallowing. Laughing at that I played my cards winning the round. "How is it you're so good at this game?" Ron groaned flipping his cards in the table.

"She's just that talented," George said sitting next to me wrapping an arm over my shoulder on the couch.

"Or maybe you just suck." Fred laughed shoving Ron's head as he came past.

We had a few fun rounds before dinner was served. George had his hand holding mine until we started eating. Their family is so nice but I couldn't help but notice the twins were a little pushy towards one another throughout the meal. Fred left the table without saying a word.

"What gotten into him?" Molly asked looking at George for an answer.

"Not too sure. Love is it alright if I have a shower?" I nodded so he kissed my forehead before walking upstairs. Helping clean up the table, a spell was cast to clean the dishes before I went outside. Finding Fred on a hammock I walked over before flipping on top of him.

"You alright Freddie?" He grumbled wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling his face into my neck before kissing it softly.

"I just can't stand everyone thinking you're only with George. Not being able to kiss you whenever I want. It's impossible." Humming in response I let out a long sigh thinking it through for a moment. "At first this whole this was meant to be an amazing pass time but I think it's more than that now you know." Leaning up to look at his face Fred brought himself up to kiss me. Humming against his lips my fingers tangled into his hair.

"You can tell people. It might be hard to explain and some might not understand but I don't care about those people." Fred smiled leaning into my lips.

"Then I'll talk to George." Someone cleared their throat. George stood there leaning over the hammock.

"Oh hey. Did you want to join?" I giggled smiling. George had wet hair that was dripping down his face. Sitting up followed by standing I kissed George quickly.

"I was just looking for you." He said not looking to Fred.

"Well, you found me. Now, you both need to talk and I need to help Ginny set up my bed." Squeezing his hands for a moment before pulling away going up to my room for the two nights.

The room was mostly set up I just had to move a few things about before I went to get ready for bed.

Not hearing anything from the twins when I went to sleep there wasn't a peep out of them until I was stirred awake.

"Love." Humming I rolled away from the voice only to hear a chuckle. "Wake up love."

"No." Fred laughed at George and came to lie down next to me. "What are you doing here?" I asked quietly hanging my arms around Fred when George came wrapping an arm around my waist.

"We wanted to sleep with you." Groggy I relaxed into Fred's arms I fell back to sleep in no time. Why didn't they just not wake me up? It would have been easier.

When I woke the next morning neither of the twins were present. Could have just been a dream... maybe. Shaking my head I got changed before heading downstairs.

"What are you two on about. Not another prank." Molly's voice rang out as I walked down the next set of stairs.

"No prank Mum we mean it."

"We're both dating her." she frowned at the pair of them crossing her arms.

"Then why say only one of you is dating her?"

"It's a little strange don't you think?"

"Hard to be upfront something so odd to talk about." All that was said was true, which was why we started like that in the first place. But it gets harder not to slip up or just not talk about it. It's been three months.

"Somehow I still find it hard to believe. Where is she?" That's when Ron let out a be yawn walking up next to me.

"Good morning (y/n)." I hit his shoulder. "Ouch what was that for?"

"I was snooping damnit." Saying this through gritted teeth I walked with Ron the rest of the way down the stairs.

"Morning everyone." Smiling this Molly smiled warmly when seeing me.

"Good morning (y/n) since you're here you can clear something up for me. Who are you dating? I mean I thought it was George but..."

"Fred and George," I spoke to stop her from rambling, her mouth dropped open. Ron choked on the tea he had in his mouth.

"You serious. Blimey, I can even get a girlfriend." Rolling my eyes at Ron as he coughed that out I passed over a napkin. "Thanks." He said wides eyed still thinking it through.

"Well. This is a surprise but as long as you three are happy then I'm happy." The twins came up behind me wrapping their arms around my waist kissing my cheeks.

"We're more than happy." The pair said making me blush and smile down at the floor.

"Have you told your parents dear?" I bit my lip shaking my head.

"I'm not too sure how they'd take it. Mums a little worried wort about most things." Which is what I'm worried about the most. It's not that she'd disapprove of the relationship, just worry so much of what could go wrong. "But I suppose I'll tackle that once I get home."

"We can go with you." Fred and George said making me smile.

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