Sticky situation

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After the intense session, I was sitting between the twins. George's head was on my lap as I was resting my head on Fred's shoulder who was playing with my hair.

"We're almost at the station," Fred said looking out the window. I sighed snuggling into his neck. He chuckled but I stood needing to get my things.

"Wait love don't go," George said, smiling I leant down kissing him which he responded by placing a hand on the back of my thigh.

"I need to get my things. I can meet up with you on the platform." Moving over to Fred I kissed him. Leaving the cart to my friends they raised their eyebrows at me.

"What kind of candy were you searching for. It's almost been an hour." Sarah said getting nudged by Tess

"I swear you have the most innocent mind. She was with the twins obviously." Sarah gasped her eyes going wide.

"What were you doing?"

"Just catching up." Quickly saying this while getting my bags Tess rolled her eyes at me as the train came to a stop.

"Yeah 'catching up'. You do that almost four times a week." Shooting Tess a glare her hands raised in defence.

"Ohhh." Sarah realised what Tess was saying making Tess pat her shoulder with a sigh.

"You of innocence." Slumping my shoulders getting my bag down I looked at the pair of them.

" come on we going or not?" Walking out the girls followed to the closest door. Although the plate form was crowded it was easy to spot the two redheads who were smiling directly at me.

"They do look smitten down they," Sarah said whispering to Tess.

"Probably because they just got laid before," Tess responded.

"Puking pastels at nine O'clock," I said continuing to walk as Tess let out a scream. Laughing at her clinging onto my arm to avoid the second year vomiting.

"I swear if I get vomit on me I'm blaming them," Tess whined shivering at the thought.
We'd made it to the twins who were in line for the carriages.

"Hey (y/n)." The pair said both leaning in to steal a kiss on my cheeks the girls squealed quietly behind us enough for the twins to hear.

"You both seem excited," George said while as they smirked back at them.

"Fangirling is all they're doing." I breathed out and Fred chuckled as Tess leant forward to whisper just behind me.

"So what did you guys get up to in that hour (y/n) here was gone?" I turned glaring at her with a blush to my cheeks not fully sure if they'd go into details or not.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Fred said wrapping his arms around my shoulders hugging me from behind. Now we were next in line for the carriage.

"Come on love it's our turn," George said taking hold of my hand helping me up to the carriage. The girls sat opposite to the three of us. Their hands rested on my thighs as the cart started being pulled forward.

"Oh-oh, I got this cool little instant camera for Christmas. We're having a photo shoot when we get to the dorm rooms." Sarah cheered holding up the camera in victory.

"I swear you were meant to be in Hufflepuff," Tess said making me laugh. I felt the twins smiling at me.

"You three smile." Sarah held up her camera. That's when here arms wrapped either side of my waist and they kiss my cheeks. "And print three. There we go."

"So flipping cute! I want a boyfriend!" Tess shouted as the photos developed.


There was all this commotion in one of the halls of the school. Peaking around the corner I saw people's feet stuck to the floor. My eyes went wide and a small smile landed on my lips.

"(Y/n) save me!" Tess shouted loosing balance and her hand went onto the floor now also stuck. I burst out laughing making people turn with a slight frown. "God ducking damn it (y/n) stop laughing and help me!"

"What's going on?" Sarah gasped looking around the corner. She covered her mouth holding back a laugh.

"Some fourth year spilt some potion all over the floor on the way to class." It was Quinn. Tess's crush. He stood calmly shoes stuck to the floor but hands in his pockets.

"Well shit. What are the teachers going to do?" I spoke still holding in a laugh.

"Snapes fixing something up apparently." Sarah gasped standing behind me.

"You seriously hiding from a teacher?" I said and she nodded. Being terrified ever since she knocked over a bottle of some smoke potion on the way out of class.

"He is a horrible guy to be fair." Quinn said and I shrugged.

"Guys I'm dying here." Tess said with a huff. I chuckled. "I'll I wanted was to give my homework to the teacher and this is how I repaid." Such a drama queen.

"She's quite dramatic isn't she." Quinn let out a soft chuckle after speaking. The bell rang and I debated on whether to head to class or not.

"Don't you dare leave me?" Tess warned making me laugh.

"What are you gonna do. Glare me to death." I heard a pair of two chuckling twins. Smiling I turned and they were on the other side of the sticky path.

"If this was you two I swear I'll turn you both into toads," Tess shouted out through gritted teeth. They both grinned at her.

"Sadly no." George laughed and they travelled across using the railing to avoid getting caught.

"We're innocent for once." The hopped down jumping right next to me and Sarah. The sea of people let out a sigh of relief when Snape came around the corner. Cape swirling behind him dramatically.

"Dramatic entrance from the potions man." Fred and George chuckled beside me. The potion was drizzled onto the floor and Tess suddenly flopped onto the floor with a groan. I went to walk over but Quinn beat me to it. Sarah grabbed into my forearm shaking it.

"Oh my god. Who knew being stuck to the floor would be a good thing." Her whisper shout made me smile before pushing her back down the hallway followed by grabbing the twins collars to do the same thing.

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