Sneaky (Smut)

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I hadn't heard or seen the twins all day with all my classes and trying to finish my astronomy classwork I'd only court a glimpse of them in the common room while rushing to my first class with Tess and Sarah.

Knowing they were up to something. Obviously. Since they'd always sit with us at least once a day for a meal it was clear after dinner that they were invested in something. Either a prank on me. Hopefully not. Or someone else.

This of course was all answered the next day when I was walking from the library where I had a free to my next class. Being grabbed by one of the orange-haired twins it was hard to tell who until we were both in a bathroom stall.

"Fred, what the hell? I would have just walked here if you asked." I whispered even though not many people come to this bathroom in the first place.

"How do you know the difference between us?"

"You both act slightly differently, you're more confident in some ways. You kiss differently BUT that doesn't matter right now. Why was a dragged here!?" whispering this out worried someone might walk in Fred raised a hand. There was a small tablet-like machine in his hand, raising an eyebrow I took it from him. "What is it?" Jolting a little when it started vibrating in my hand. "Fred why did you want to show off a vibrator in the girl's bathroom! Where did you get this?" He chuckled at me leaning in kissing me roughly. Humming in surprise Fred took the vibrator from me. Going stiff when his hand went down the front of my skirt. Softly the vibrator went up my leg.

"I want you to wear this through your next class. Then meet me in the common room." Gulping I moaned as he rubbed the vibrator against my underwear.

"But what if someone notices?" He smiled, Fred's lips brushing against mine as it was pressed harder against my underwear.

"I guess you'll need to make sure that doesn't happen." His hand slipped under my underwear and placed the vibrator on my clit. Moaning rocking against the hand Fred pulled away rather quickly for my liking but left the vibrator there.

"How am I meant to last over an hour with this going?" I whispered as he unlocked the stall pulling me out by the hand.

"I can make it vibrate slower for you while walking to class.... if."

"If what?" I didn't know where this was going nor did I want to.

"If you come to visit us over the Christmas break. You have mentioned to your parents that you have a boyfriend right?" I was taken back for a moment. He really wanted me to see them that bad? Fidgeting on the spot he bit my lip glancing to the time.

"Yeah, I mentioned it to them. You didn't have to do this to ask me over for Christmas." The bell rang and the vibrator went to a dull hum making me sigh.

"Good. I'll see you after class then." He left for his next class or to ditch but I wasn't sure. Just focused on getting to my next class.


The moment I was sat down the vibrator picked back up. It made me squirm in my seat for a moment.

"Hey (y/n)." Tess sighed flopping down beside me looking to her notebook. "Did you already hand in your assignment?" She questioned not looking over at me.

"Uh yeah, last CLass." It went up higher in the middle of my sentence. Tess turned to look at me.

"You good?"

"Sorry, just a shiver shake. Hand in yours yet?" She went on talking about her essay and the horrible topic she was given even though we picked. While I was mainly trying not to pay attention to the vibrations in my underwear.

"Everyone settle down, today we're looking at...." clenching my knee under the table the speed sifted between slow and fast. Like a wave and it felt so good. Tess nudged me and I looked at her.

"Page 450." She whispered out and I quickly started flicking through the pages.


I'd been so close to four orgasms in that class but I stopped myself knowing how embarrassing it would be. Jogging back to the common room while Tess went to find Sarah for her last class. I just said I had a meeting with a teacher before rushing off. Panting once making it I saw Fred sitting by the fire. George, not insight. What game are they playing at?

"Hey (y/n) how was class love?" I glared daggers at him walking over. People would start coming into the common room soon. There were a few others around but not paying much attention.

"I'm here now let's go." Trying to tug him up the vibrator went faster making my legs buckle underneath me. On the floor, I looked up at him tearing up slightly.

"What happened to saying please." Fred questioned but glancing to either side of me the people in the room wouldn't be able to see what I was doing. Not being able to hold back any longer I pulled a hand between my legs and sunk a finger inside of me. Fred froze.

"Please." I stuttered out before having a quiet orgasm. A tent raised in his pants at that moment. Fred grabbed me hand lifting me up.

"Good girl." He husked before taking us upstairs to his dorm room. Fred locked the door and while I went to the bed with the letter F printed on the trunk he made sure no one was in the room. Tugging down my underwear the vibrator was finally gone. But I was soaking.
"Take off your clothes," Fred spoke walking over while taking off his sweater followed by unbuttoning his shirt. He walked over.

"But someone could come in," I whispered but Fred pulled up my sweater.

"No one will. George's got that covered." Unclamping my buttons not caring much anymore just wanting Fred to release the tension between my legs he unzipped letting my skirt fall to the floor. "Spread yourself on the bed." Sitting down unclipping my bra Fred dropped it to the side as he fiddled with getting his pants off while staring down at me. "You're drenched, how many times did you almost cum?" Gulping when seeing the bulge in his pants I felt myself clenching around nothing.

"Four times. Please Fred just fuck me." Whispering at the end he smirked down at me dropping his trousers and underwear to the floor.

"It will be my pleasure." He slipped in oh so easily. Crying out I almost came but he drilled inside of me. Fred kissed me harshly ensuring my volume went silent. "So tight already? Did the teasing really set you off that much?" He knew damn well what it did to me. But ignoring Fred's smirk as his hips rocked back and forward harshly inside of me. Moaning into his neck biting down to quiet myself Fred groaned thrusting faster. I came silently and harshly against Fred, he groaned thrusting throughout and after my orgasm. "Good girl. You pulse so tightly around me." He husked. My head fell back in the bed as he continued thrusting, another wave of pleasure rocked through me and Fred hissed pulling out. "Take it in your mouth." Sitting up I sat there as he jacked off right over my tongue. Dipping my mouth over his tip to suck Fred groaned orgasming nice and long into my mouth. "Now swallow." Gulping loudly I panted heavily relaxing into his sheets feeling completely satisfied. Fred chuckled joining me.

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