Long trip |smut|

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Mum took things quite well considering. Confused for most of the conversation dad was the one to talk most of the time and ask questions. He's been good like that all my life. The only thing that'll calm my mum down is dad.

Now on the train back to school, the girls were giggling between themselves.

"We heard a rumour." Sarah smiled leaning in from the other side of the carriage.

"That you're dating both Fred and George." They're so excited to just talk about it now with no filter.

"Yeah. Well, you're not....wrong." The sentence slowed down when spotting Fred by one of the windows waving for me to follow him. "I'm just gonna get something from the trolly." Standing up and leaving the room following Fred down the hall he was smiling to himself.

"Look what I have." He sang holding out a black pin making my eyebrow raise.

"Wow, you're into sewing now. Planning on making me a dress." He chuckled leaning into me.

"It makes a room soundproof when pinned into a wall." He whispered making me gulp lightly. "George has been shouting in the carriage behind you right now." Turning I saw George waving at me making a goofy face. I giggled.

"So we gonna test it out?" Fred nodded opening the door for me.

"Good to see you love," George said before kissing me. Our lips didn't part while Fred shut the blinds and pinned the wall. When he turned back I was straddling George's lap. Hips rolling into his while we continued to make out.

"Mmmm how long until we're at the station?" Panting this out softly while I started grinding harder into George making him groan and hold onto my hips tightly.

"Just under an hour." Fred husked tilting my head up to kiss him while I continued to work George into a frenzy. The skirt I wore was lifted up and my dampening panties were on show for George. Fred got started on my shirt. The buttons were quickly dealt with before he pulled down my bra.

"I've missed this," George said attaching his lips to my chest. Moaning into Fred's lips he stood back for a moment to work on taking off his pants.

"Who's doing what today?" I questioned before moaning when George sucked harder on my nipple.

"I was thinking both of us." George spoke softly, that's when I felt a spell being cast on my stomach. There was a bump from the train as we were going across a bridge overlooking a lake. My attention was drawn from the window to George who sat me on the seat to take off his pants joining Fred in front of me. Going to my knees waiting for them the moment Fred pulled out his cock I brought my hand to pump him before my mouth joined in.

"Yes good girl. Take me deeper." Relaxing my mouth all the more I managed to take Fred's cock deeper with no trouble. Another bump on the tracks and his entire cock slid down my throat making him groan. Pulling back with a gasp when George had removed his pants I went on with pumping Fred as I took George in my mouth next.

"Y-yes." He managed to stutter out as I enthusiastically dove my mouth up and down humming while doing so. Fred pulled me up, I gasped parting from George's pulsing member.

"What do you want to do?" Fred asked as I felt George slide down my underwear from behind.

"I don't care. Just fuck me." The pair chuckled. Fred pulled me right up against him smirking down at me.

"I think we have time George." I didn't know what that meant but didn't care when Fred made me place my hands of the glass of the window looking out to the beautiful scenery as he grabbed my ass lifting my skirt up. With my panties gone my soaked folds came into view. Fred cursed under his breath while teasing me. Rolling my hips, my ass was held tighter by Fred to stop the movements. In one quick thrust, Fred sheathed himself inside of me. Gasping as my body jolted forward my breasts jiggled. Moaning loudly as Fred thrusted fast drilling into me from behind he groaned watching his cock pull in and out of me. "You're squeezing me so tight." Fred hissed out his hands pushing my ass into him to make the thrusts that more quickly. My hands started to fog the glass they were resting on and out of the corner of my eye I could see George jacking off on the seat to my left.

"Oh my god please faster." Fred groaned moving a hand to my clit as he leaned over sucking on my shoulder blade.

"Taking me so well like this. Such a good girl. Just imagine someone seeing us from outside. You leaned over like this." Moaning in response Fred hissed as I clenched around him tighter. A sudden wave of pleasure washed over me and I came hard against Fred as he continued to thrust me through my orgasm. Fred pulled out, George grabbed my wrist pulling me onto his lap. Which I basically jumped onto. Sliding down onto him easily George groaned his head hitting the headrest about the seat.

"So wet for me love." Rising and falling harshly George lifted my skirt biting his lip when seeing where we connected. Moaning I kissed George, his face softened and lips curved into a smile against mine.

"Fuck me, Georgie. Make me cum." Right after I said that he flipped me onto the seat drilling harshly inside of me. "Y-yes!" Rubbing clit clit as the pace picked up I moaned having another orgasm. George groaned slowing down.

"You ready for the next one." He panted out kissing along my collarbone. Nodding eagerly George picked me up, my legs around his waist as was limp between them.

"Relax for me," Fred whispered in my ear kissing my neck. Gasping as he slid into me, both there cocks resting inside my pussy.

"I'm so full." Moaning this out my head hit Fred's shoulder. Then they began thrusting. It was so tight. Being so full all my special spots were hit constantly. "It's happening again." I gasped having a harsh orgasm. Drenching my thighs in my juices the pair groaned continuing there synced thrusts.

"Even tighter." George breathed out nodding towards Fred and with that signal, Fred put a hand to my clit.

"One more time love. Gush for us." The circles against my clit were quick in the shape of an eight that sent me shaking between them. My legs shook and my back arched as I had another harsh orgasm. Their thrusts slowed and they stayed deep inside having their climax also. Moaning softly as the feeling of then shoot inside of me just before my body slumped back into Fred.

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