Room of requirment (smut)

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"so are you guys gonna go on another date?" Tess whispered as we were in the middle of a quiz. I gave her a look to the teacher who was walking slowly at the front of the class. Tess just squinted at me.

"Tomorrow at lunch." I breathed and she grinned dancing around in her seat.

"Do you have something to share with the class?"

"No sir." Tess slouched in her seat as my eyes rolled.


"Had fun in class?" George said swinging our hands together as we walked through the school going to meet up with Fred in our secret spot.

"Totally another quiz and I'm sure my hand is gonna fall off." He chuckled at me squeezing my hand. "Where is this secret spot you didn't want to tell me about?" I asked and George shrugged.

"I'm not saying a peep and it's not the secret spot. That's for tonight." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why aren't you a mystery man."

We walked all the way down to the black lake, to a little corner that no one could see us but the perfect view.

"Wow, this place is cool." I breathed jumping down only to hear a boo behind me. Screaming Fred stood behind me and wrapped both hands around me.

"Oops did I scare you, love?" He chuckled kissing along my neck.

"Was my scream not obvious enough ?" George laughed joining us on the lower level.

"I'll save you from the bully," George spoke pulling me from Fred's grasp taking me over and we sat together on the rocky shore. Fred joined us soon after.

"What are we doing tonight? Sneaking out?" The twins looked at one another.

"Yep, we'll be out late for some fun..."

"If you're up to it." They both leant towards me and my thought ran wild at what type of fun they meant.

"What kind of fun are we talking?" They both smirked at the same time.

"The best type of 'fun' there is." George spoke lips hovering over mine.

"Hmm setting fireworks off." George shook his head. "How about flying around at night on our brooms."

"Nope. Trying harder love." I made a thinking face as Fred placed a hand on my upper thigh.

"Sneaking out and having a sleepover at ...."

"Sounds tempting," Fred said in my ear.

"But no."

"I guess I'll have to wait until later then."


I waited until both girls were asleep in my dorm. Sneaking out into the common room the twins were already waiting by the fireplace.

"Took you long enough." One spoke and I made a funny face.

"Yeah yeah, Sarah is a light sleeper. Had to be quiet." Fred grabbed my hand and the three of us left the dorms. I noticed a map in George's hand as he took us through the school.

"We have to go the long way around. Snape is on the move."

"Wow, that's cool." Fred hushed me and I pouted making him smile at me.

"We're almost there." I nodded as George leads us to a blank wall.

"You guys really outdid yoursel...." The wall changed, a door started to frame itself in its walls making my mouth drop open.

Caught in between Weasley twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now