Overstimulation |Smut|

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I was sitting by the fire reading a book. It was just past seven and Fred was in the shower. George had been cleaning up the kitchen from dinner but it went quiet for quite some time. The twins are always up to something so when feeling a hand on my shoulder I didn't flinch.

"Did you finish cleaning?" I questioned going to turn around but his pointer fingers gently held my jawline, keeping it forward.

"Eyes forward love," George spoke softly hands massaging my shoulders. Humming at the feeling I haven't noticed how stiff my shoulders were. George pressed into a knot leading me to moan a little.

"Mmmm that's good Georgie." After a few more squeezes George stopped. Going to look back he repeated the same action as before. Holding my position I bookmarked what I was reading.

"Don't move darling." And that's when a blindfold was wrapped around my eyes. A smile tugged on my lips. "Let me know if it's too tight."

"I didn't know it was one of these nights George." His breath went along my neck before opened mouthed kisses trailed along up and down the right side of my neck.

"I've been waiting since dinner." I had noticed George being a little impatient at dinner but they're always up to something.

"Fred will be out of the shower soon. Is he joining us or will this be a solo mission?" George chuckled hands sliding down and unbuttoning my shirt. Well, freds shirt that is borrowed to be lazy in.

"Solo. Now, darling take off your shirt and lie down." Biting my lip I heard George move about while I got all the buttons done and peeled the shirt off. Although my sight was almost gone I was able to see the light of the fire. That was until George stood in front of it. Looking up George grabbed my hands to his pants. "Take them off for me." Biting my lip feeling around for the zipper and button. I managed to unbutton his pants. Once they hit the floor I licked my lips also managing to take off his jocks George groaned lightly.
Wrapping a hand around his cock his hand went into my hair trying to push me forward.

"So forceful Georgie. I like it." leaning forward alway I moaned sucking on his tip George rocked his hip forward bringing it further down my throat.

"Take it further love." humming in response sucking harder George hissed lightly. His cock hit the back of my throat tears formed in the corners of my eyes but the blindfold court it. Gagging George pulled back coughing I opened my mouth again for him and George groaned thrusting in and out of my mouth. "Merlin (y/n) you're so sexy. Stand up." Listening I gasped when his hand cupped between my legs.

"George please." moaning rolling my hips to his hand George pulled down my underwear and slicked a finger inside of me.

"Always so wet, go on your knees on the couch." George sucked on my neck quickly before letting me turn around. Knees on the edge of the couch and hands-on the backing. Arching my back I made my ass rise up. George's hand went to my sides squeezing for a moment and then a spell was cast.

"Georgie fuck me." Moaning loudly as he pushed inside of me quickly my head hit the backing panting heavily.

"Yes, love. So tight for me." The sent to n of him moving in and out was heightened with the blindfold.

"What are you two doing?" Fred said coming down from the stairs. I clenched around George not expecting Fred to come down.
But George didn't stop.

"I'm almost there. Don't stop." clenching the backing on the couch George hit my g spot sending me off the edge. Mouth hung open I came undone around him followed by George finishing off also. Moaning at the sensation he pulled out slowly as I stayed still. A panting mess. The blindfold was taken off by Fred I realised when blinking and seeing him standing by me.

Caught in between Weasley twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now