One year later |Smut|

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I'd moved out of home to live with the twins above there or 'our' joke shop. I would do most of the packaging designs while the twins made the products. Everything was going great living alone together. This meaning so much more time to have ahem... fun. Like the number of times Fred likes to take me on the counter in view of a window or George likes having me by the fire. Both were amazing but the best was when we're all together which was most of the time. It was a long day at the joke shop and I'd just finished stacking a shelf and noticed neither of the twins were about. The store closed just over an hour ago so all the employees had left. Lately, they've been staying up late trying to work on a new range which I wasn't aware of what it was. Most of the time they want to show off the products once it's finished. Walking through the shop towards the back I knocked on the slightly ajar door and saw them whispering about something.

"Hey, are you both staying in here late again or...." I paused for a moment when seeing what they were working on. "Is that a..." George slid in front of it.

"We'll be up for dinner soon." The pair both said. Why the hell was there a bright pink vibrator on the desk.

"Hey don't go sneaking about. Why do you have a bright pink vibrator on your desk?" Fred and George smirked and George stepped aside. Maybe if I'd walked off they'd drop the conversation.

"It's our new product range." Fred said as George stepped aside. My eyes went wide glancing between the two.

"Well will be." George spoke rubbing the back of his head.

"We still need to test them out on someone." Fred then stood making me jolt in shock as he came over holding onto my hands. While I tried to step back knowing exactly what was being implied here Fred grinning tugging my arms back into him.

"And that person would be...." the pair now grinned together.

"You." Blushing madly when they both spoke I wanted to leave knowing how embarrassing this was going to be.

"Of course you can say no." George added with a shrug making me slightly less nervous with the option to say no.

"There are others we can ask. Of course, it's easier if you were the one to test it out. That way we can add notes on how to improve." Gulping thinking it over they noticed the look on my face. The one I always make when thinking something over. There's no harm in this right? I mean if it's not me then who else would they talk to about this. Some part of me doesn't want them going around asking other girls to try masturbating with their prototypes.

"I'll do it." Fred grinned widely turning around giving George a look. George then pulled me into him using his wand so we were now in our shared bedroom. Gasping lightly when his lips fell onto mine I moaned softly taking in the warmth of George's lips. "Just don't go overboard alright." I softly spoke and George nodded while taking off my cardigan followed by my work shirt. Fred was now in the room now behind me rubbing his hands over the tight shirt I wore.

"Have I ever told you how sexy you are in this skirt?" I breathlessly laughed at Fred.

"Almost every month when you fuck me with it on after work." He chuckled in my ear hands still rubbing and squeezing my thighs and ass.

"Really Fred that's your weak point?" George tried teasing his brother who now had a stare-off with him.

"What about you George, you made me put a blindfold on the other day." Fred chuckled as George got a little flustered.

"I said not to tell anyone that." He growled into my ear unclipping my bra and squeezing my nipples a little too hard making me squeak just before Fred brought our lips together.

"Fred isn't just anyone George." Saying this when my lips parted from Fred he smirked at me.

"So what are we gonna try out first?" Fred said to George as the two thought for a moment. The nerves started arising once more.

"Get undressed love." George whispered into my ear. So I slipped off my shoes stockings and skirt while the boys talked things over beside me. The moment the skirt dropped to the floor they both grabbed around my waist pulling me down onto the bed to leave kisses and hickeys on my neck.

"We decided baby girl. I'll get it ready for you."   While Fred left to get things ready my lips stayed on George's and moaning softly as he tweaked my nipples. "Spread your legs." Fred spoke and so I lifted both legs up spreading myself. An oil was poured over me and I gasped against George's lips which he pushed his tongue down my throat. Moaning louder once Fred pushed something cold past my ass's opening. Feeling it push inside me all the way it was longer than I thought it'd be. It rested snug inside of me. Softly moaning while rolling my hips Fred groaned watching me move. George pulled back from my lips. Panting heavily George stared down at me.

"We've added something special to our new products." That's when the object in my ass started sliding in and out on its own. I moaned looking down seeing it move just before my head tilted back.

"Ah, that's good." Out of the corner of my eye, Fred was there with another dildo. "Put it in me, Freddie." The large bulges in their pants were straining their pants. The large cold product was rubbed against my soaking folds as the dildo in my ass kept slowly moving. Then he pushed it through my walls. Back arching as he inched it past my opening. The pair watched as it sunk inside, both with lust in their eyes. "Oh my god. Yes!" And they moved on their own, one in and then one out.

"I think she can handle more. Can you love?" Panting heavily as both dildos sped up a little. Tilting my head up to see both of them smirking.

"Of course. Please more." Fred chuckled stepping away from the bed while George leant over, hand sliding up my stomach to my breast massaging me with a grin on his face.

"You make the cutest facial expressions when you're like this." Grabbing onto his shirt I kissed him. George smiled widely groaning against my lips. But then suddenly I felt a vibration on my clit. Head tilting back and moaning loudly. George smiled leaving open-mouthed kisses down my neck. The squelching of my cunt echoed throughout the room. Now Fred was moving up hand moving the same way George's did. His lips were on mine quickly as the pace picked up downwards. The vibrator went up higher and my eyes widened as suddenly the dildo in my cunt vibrated and right into my g-spot. Tearing up my body shook, Fred parted from my lips watching as my mouth hung open as I let out a silent cry. Squirting harshly the twin's eyes went wide staring at my body as I had a very intense orgasm.

"I'm.... this is." The sentence didn't make sense. The toys slowly stopped while I breathed deeply trying to recover.

"Wow, now that was some good results." Fred chuckled and I breathlessly laughed as did George.

"Best orgasm I've had in a while."

"Is that a challenge?" George asked glancing at Fred who smirked.

"I think it is George." Smiling and biting my lip I looked at the pair of them above me.

"Then get to work boys."

"Gladly." Fred and George said at the same time. Yep, life couldn't be more perfect.

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