The borrow

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I hadn't been able to talk with Fred or George for the past two days. Classes were over and I was packing to head home for the holidays. There was a knock on the door, which Sarah answered. I was in the middle of slamming my trunk shut.

"(Y/n) it's your lovers." Sarah called going back over to her bed that still had clothes scattered across her bed.

"Have fun." Tess sang and I tossed a pair of socks at her.

"Put a sock in it." They laughed as I shut the door behind me. Letting out a short sigh both twins smiled at me. "Hey." Breathing this out they reached out there hands which I took hold of.

"Let's go." They both said pulling me down the stairs and through the common room. All the way to sneak into the room of requirement to talk.

"So what are we doing here?" Saying this when not seeing the regular bed but instead a simple picnic.

"We wanted to go outside." George said behind me.

"But with the snowstorm." Holding into there hands tighter I smiled pulling them to the picnic blanket.

"It's great. But why today?"

"Well, why not today?" Fred said leaning in to kiss me. Moulding our lips together I felt George squeeze my hand.

"We won't get to see you for a few weeks." George said before I switched to kiss him next. George's lips were soft of warm the crackling of the fire faded out as George slid me closer to him.

"Our mum agreed for you to come to the borrow the day after Christmas," Fred spoke which got me out of the daze of kissing George. He grinned when I parted from him.

"Wish I could have seen her face when she read about my amazing girlfriend." George said kissing my cheek a few times.

"Our girlfriend George." Fred corrected. There was a slight irritation in his voice that made me turn.

"I'd be happy to go. My family doesn't do much after Christmas Day anyway. Other than clean." Picking up a cherry I began eating.

"All the more reason to go." Fred cheekily smiled and I laughed.

"My point exactly."


Mum was a little worried about me leaving for two nights. But I told her I was in safe hands. My father knew the Weasleys and was fine with it of course but Mum was always one to worry.

"Mum I'll be fine. It's only for two nights. When I get back we can go to that high tea place you told me about." She sighed pulling me into a hug.

"Alright. Make sure your back by lunch." Going by flew I coughed when making it through.

"Always hate it when coal gets all over my clothes." Through the dust, a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders pulling me out of the fireplace.

"(Y/n) love," George said wrapping me in a hug although I was a mess. Giggling I hugged back as he twirled me around before capturing our lips together. "God, I have missed you." Someone cleared their throat. George's Mum came into view. I blushed tucking a hair behind my ear.

"(Y/n) I've heard a great deal about you. From both George and Fred. So glad to meet you." Before I could extend my hand to shake she hugged me. "Come we have some afternoon tea waiting. Fred get the bags." I only got a quick look at Fred. Wanting so bad to greet him the same way I did with George but their mum took me to seat down too quickly.

"Love you've got coal on your face." George chuckled making me smile and giggle as he brushed my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Traveling by flew always makes me look like a mess." George smiled moving his seat closer to mine.

"From where I'm sitting you've never looked more beautiful." A blush found it's way to my cheeks.

"Settle down George. Now (y/n) do you like milk with your tea?" I cleared my throat looking away from George.

"Oh, I uh yes. But first, could I use the washroom? I really do need to get the dust off of me." She smiled.

"Yes. Third-floor first door to the left." Sitting up once more leaving George's side I went up to see my dusty self in the mirror. Leaving the door open while fixing my hair and wiping the dust off my clothes it suddenly shut. Seeing Fred I assume knowing George was down stares he walked the two steps over to me.

"Fred I...." he kissed me roughly grabbing onto my lower hips basically grabbing my ass while slipping his tongue in my mouth. Moaning at the slick sensation we made out for a minute or so before he pulled back.
"Good to see you too." I smiled and he kissed me again.

"I wish I could have done that the moment you got here." He grinned ear to ear kissing me again. Fred swayed our bodies back and forward until there was a knock at the door.

"Everything alright love?" George said and Fred opened the door not letting go of me. "Fred? What are you doing here?" George asked leaning back to look out in the hallway to make sure no one was around.

"Just saying hi to (y/n). Unlike you, I can't give her a proper welcome in front of everyone." Fred hissed but I touched his cheek, Fred turned back to look at me and his face softened.

"Mum is getting worried (y/n)," George whispered and I sighed stepping back from Fred. "She thought you might have flushed yourself down the towel." Laughing shortly I squeezed past him assuming he was only going to follow. But glancing back I heard angry whispers and saw a shirt, Fred's shirt, being thrown at George. Sighing I walked back over to them.

"What are you guys doing?" Both were shirtless but I wasn't worried about that right now but for the fact, they're deciding to squabble about now.

"We'll meet you down there." Sighing I shook my head as they put on each other's shirts. Fred's made George swap.

"(Y/n) there you are. Where's George?" Someone jumped up behind me who I knew was Fred who was now dressed in George's clothes. He kissed my cheek coming over to sit beside me.

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