Sweet butterbeer kisses

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The weekend. Finally. To sleep in just a little bit is what I needed. It took so long to get to bed last night and now I just rolled over when Sarah hit my head with a pillow.

"We're going outside to the snow." She sang and I waved her off.

"Yeah. I'll be down in five." I was hit again with the pillow before the door opened and shut. Blowing the feathers that were covering my face I sat up with a groan. Changing into some different clothes I let out a yawn while leaving the dorm room. The common room was partly empty. Not paying much attention to who was around I wandered over to the entrance.

"Good morning (y/n)." Two voices rang out.

"Morning." I yawned once more not stopping to walk out, only to hear them follow me out to the stairs.

"Why are you covered in feathers." One said pulling out a feather that was in my hair.

"Late morning wake up call." They both chuckled softly taking out the last few from my hair.

"Heard your friends were going out to the snow." The other said and I nodded.

"You joining them?" The stairs started spinning as the three of us stood waiting.

"Uh yeah." They both smiled at me making me bite my lip. As I went to go in one direction they looped their arms with mine going through the archway in front of us. "Um, where are we going?"


"More fun than outside." Looking between the two of them I let them walk us through the castle.

"But what about...." Suddenly taking a sharp turn into a cupboard when no one was looking they both stood in front of the door. "Wow, this place is amazing." My sarcastic remark with folded arms leads them both to smirk.

"Look down." They both said. Looking down I saw I was standing on a wooden floorboard with a handle on it.

"Secret passageway. But where to?"

"Only one way to find out." Thinking for a moment with a squint of my eyes I turned standing off from the board.

"So one of you going to lead the way?" I asked.

"Go on Fred." Then the twin on my right bent down. It opened and Fred jumped down. George looped an arm around my waist. "Your turn." He breathed into my ear.

"Hold my hand's love," Fred spoke letting me grab his hands, this letting me fall down softly. We stood close together and I saw in the dim light Fred glancing down to my lips.

".... Is nearby. Get going." George whispered softly. Fred took my hand.

"Make sure to duck." He breathed and I nodded. We crouched walking a few steps in the tunnel as George shut the exit.

"Let's get going."

It was a good twenty minutes of walking through the one-way tunnel until we made it to an exit.

"So run down we need to be quiet and get to the door without being seen." Fred spoke lifting up the hatch a small amount.

"What?!" I whispered to George who stood closer to me.

"You'll sneak out with me don't worry." Nodding Fred jumped out making sure it was all clear before waving us over I got out and George shut the tunnel after me. The three of us walked out and I looked around.

".... I should have guessed. Butterbear time." Walking through the small town towards the taven the twins followed close behind me. It was basically empty.

"We have special seats." One said behind me so I let them lead us to an empty corner that you could only see if leaning back from the next rounded table. Three butterbeer were ordered and brought over by Fred and the two of them sat rather close to me.

"Always loved a butterbeer." Licking my lips two hands went to my thighs.

"We thought you'd like it here," George said as I gulped a large mouthful.

"You always look nice in casual clothes," Fred whispered softly close to me. His breath smelt so sweet. Biting my lip I noticed I had drunk quite a lot of the non-alcoholic beer.

"You pay attention to the clothes I wear?" They both put down there glasses.

"Haven't you noticed us? We've been trying to get your attention for a while."

"And you didn't notice us once. George thought we should prank you." Fred grinned over at his brother who glared a little.

"I believe it was you, Fred. You wanted to change (y/n)s poor hair colour. It's too perfect to do that." George weaved his hand through my hair while both their hands on my thighs rubbed against my jeans.

"I'd never say that. You're the mischievous one." For some reason, I giggled.

"I'm pretty sure you're both mischievous and I think it'd be cool to have a different hair colour," Fred smirked at George in victory.

"I knew that's what you wanted." Fred sat closer so his leg was against mine. "Now for the reason, we're here." Sipping the last of my drink my hands folded on my lap.

"Is it about the other day, because I....." George turned my face with a finger under my chin.

"Right on the nose (y/n). You deserve a reward." George swiftly kissed me. Humming against his lips George slid his hand up high on my leg. Opening my mouth we ended up making out until Fred tangled his hand with mine tugging me to him.

"My turn." I didn't hesitate and leant forward capturing our lips together. Fred smiled against my lips wrapping an arm around my waist turning me into him more. Why was I letting this happening? Was I just curious to see where this was going? Letting out a short moan, Fred gripped my sides tighter as George's hand on my Thigh slid up to the highest point of my thigh. Rubbing a finger along my sensitive area although covered made my body heat up.

"You like all this attention don't you." George whispered into my ear and Fred parted from my lips.

"We both like you and couldn't let the other twin have you." Fred squeezed my hand for a moment. I bit my lip.

"So we thought why not you have both of us." George spoke while still sliding his hand up and down me.

"Twos better than one." I was so hazy from what was being acted of me. They both like me but....what?

"So you want me to date both of you?" I spoke slowly and they nodded rather quickly smiling goofily at me. "But what about other people. You know, it might seem odd that I'm...."

"You see we've thought about that," Fred said and I had to look back at George knowing he'd finish for his brother.

"You can pick one of our names and whoever is with you will be that twin."

"Say you pick George's name. I'll say I'm George while snogging you." I frowned at the idea. This seems ridiculous. Gulping as George pressed harder against me. Tilting my head back against the board behind me I held back a moan. "George she needs to think straight for an answer." Panting as George stopped from Fred's request.

"Rock paper scissors for it." They both smirked doing just that. 1,2,3 times until George was victorious sliding me away from Fred and almost onto his lap.

"I win Fred. (Y/n)s my girlfriend now." I blushed and went even hotter as Fred just scooter closer kissing me deeply while I was still in George's arms.

"Other than the fact I need to use your name george I've also won."

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