Be quiet |Smut|

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It was warming up again. There was still a cold chill in the air but it was nice in the sun. I was sitting by the lake reading something while the girls were having a meeting for a class I didn't have.

"(Y/n)!" Two voices rang out making me smile and turn seeing both Fred and George walking along the dock to sit next to me.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" George questioned as I looked down at my feet just grazing past the water's edge.

"Just thinking. Needed some air." Going to the small pile of rocks I collected I tossed one into the lake. "What were you doing?" I breathed out tossing the next one as far as I could.

"We just finished a prank with Lee. It's only a matter of time before." In the distance, there was an explosion. Tilting back I saw red smoke clouding the sky of the courtyard.

"Wow." A breathless laugh escaped me and the pair grinned high fiving each other.


It was later at night. Sitting by the fire with Fred and George who were kissing and nibbling my neck while their hands roamed around and up my stomach.

"Your skin tastes like cinnamon," George said hand making its way between my legs and under my lazy pants.

"Shouldn't we go someplace to..." Fred's lips tickled along just under my jaw making me gasp and him chuckle.

"We'll be fine if you're quiet." George's hand went up and down lightly along my slit. Feathering along my slick folds biting my lip I raised my hips to try and get him to press harder.

"You're so greedy." Fred chuckled and I grabbed onto his shirt pulling him in for a kiss. Fred smirked against my lips massaging my breast he, biting on his lip and sucking on it for a moment when George finally touched my clit. Rolling his hand around making me moan into Fred's mouth Fred tweaked my nipple. "Let us take care of you." Moaning leaning back on the couch I looked down to Fred and George touching my body in any way they pleased. My t-shirt was raised and I could just see George's hand rubbing me harder.

"Ahh. Please." They both nodded, Fred, got down onto the floor. My pants were brought down making my eyes go wide and look around the empty room.

"Don't worry love. No one will see." My underwear came down with the pants so my glistening wet cunt was in front of Fred's face. He blew on my folds making me moan.
"Remember quiet," George whispered bringing a hand around my neck holding softly there then putting our lips together.
Going stiff when Fred licked a long strip up me settling on my clit circling it. Arching up George kept my body down as Fred started sucking harshly on my clit starting to slid a finger between my folds. Rolling my hips into Fred's mouth he chuckled vibrating against my clit and gave in pushing two fingers inside of me. Trying to keep quiet I gripped onto George's hair I managed to part our lips.

"Please Fred I need you inside of me." He groaned fingering me faster while pulling back. Fred unzipped his pants and George leaned back.

"Fred if even one person comes into the room." I pulled him into me kissing him, moaning against his lips I pulled backbiting my lip.

"I'll let you fuck my mouth." Fred chuckled while George groaned unzipping his pants. Fred moved me across the couch and pushed inside of me. Holding back a moan Fred groaned grabbing my hips pushing in fast I leant back on the couches arm. Head leaning back and mouth opening, tongue sticking out George teased himself around my mouth. Moaning as he brought his cock into and down my throat George thrust deep as did Fred. The pair were grunting quietly thrusting inside of me rather quickly. George pulled back so I could breathe. Gasping for air I heaved a few breathes before he went back to work. Fred sucked up my chest.

"Good girl. You're taking us so well." Fred spoke into my breasts. Moaning into George's cock he hissed thrusting harsher inside of my mouth. There was a bulge in my throat from how far he goes down. The sight of that made George twitch. Fred's thrusts were hitting right into my gspot. The slapping sound of him entering me entered the room as Fred picked up the pace.
That's when he rubbed my clit.

"Mephf bslaj." My muffled voice said on George cock. He pulled back for me to gasp. "I'm cumming." George dove back down and they both hit my sensitive spots.

"Go on love. Cum from our cocks." George groaned out and I spasmed underneath them. They both groaned. George spilling himself down my throat but I didn't get the satisfaction of Fred's orgasm. He pulled out grabbing my shoulders and jacking off into my mouth. Moaning at the taste as he poured himself onto my tongue he groaned out.

"Take it all." Moaning softly and licking his tip of orgasm Fred moaned watching me do so. After swallowing I feel onto the couch feeling complete. Fred and George fixed themselves up before tending to me. Which I was half asleep at this point not caring both my shirt and pants were not on correctly and exposing my privates. George picked me up.

"Let's get her to bed." He whispered to Fred but I shook my head cuddling into his neck.

"No, I want to stay with you two." To that, they bit their lips, trying to think of a way to make this far on the both of them.

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