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Fred, George and I walked in for dinner. We hung out through the break until dinner, walking about the school just talking. Not knowing where my friends were and since they are good company I didn't mind so much.

"See you after dinner." They both said with a smile. Giving a small wave I went over to my friends.

"What was that all about?" Tess said leaning forward on the table moving the stack of potatoes in between us.

"Huh?" I asked. Back flopping my book bag down next to me.

"Huh is all you can say. Sarah told me about potions class." That made me turn to Sarah.

"Yeah thanks for ditching me like that, I know it was on purpose." All I got was a grin.

"Forget that. What happened. Spill." I raised my glass tilting the cup in my hand. "No, you troll with the twins. What happened?"

"We hung out. What do you think happened?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me and so I kicked her under the table. "Hell Tess you freak of nature. You think after one conversation with them I'd be in some tower snogging the two of them?" Both Tess and Sarah gasped at me as I took a mouthful of food.

"Such a dirty mind you have." Sarah spoke.

"Then what was Tess's eyebrow wiggle supposed to mean? That the three of us were casing butterflies?"

"How'd you know?" Her hands slammed to the table making Sarah laugh. I was getting annoyed, why do they always pester about me and the guys I get involved with?

"I'm not hungry any more." Grabbing my bookbag I stood although Sarah tried keeping me down.

"We won't tease any more. Promise." Shaking my head I walked off. I'd already had a hard day, best just to sleep it off. I'll study while waiting for the girls to get back. That's if they don't follow me... There were two sets of footsteps following me. Of course, they thought to come after me when I stormed off.

"(Y/n)." I raised an eyebrow. The twins.

"Oh hey." Breathing this out they court up to me in the empty hall.

"We saw you stomp off."

"You alright?" They always finish each other's sentences. It was kinda cute. This made me smile.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I wasn't all that hungry and thought I'd study potions since I suck at it." They looked to each other, grinning mischievously.

"We can help with that."


I was sat between the two twins in the library studying. Originally I was just going to the common room but they insisted the library since fewer people would disturb us.

"What's the answer to this question Fred? I just can't get it right." He leant over looking at the parchment in front of me. My body stiffened when his hand touched just above my bare knee. Gulping lightly and nodding while he answered my question I started writing the answer.

"You might want to add the side effects as well." George breathed into my ear leaning closer towards me. His lips were a breath away from touching me. I blushed deeply and finally breathed out once Fred's hand removed itself from my thigh. What the heck is happening right now? Are they flirting with me?

"George don't you think (y/n)s hair smells nice?" Fred spoke twirling a lock with his finger. Oh yeah flirting. Just wanting the reaction I bet. They both leant in more.

"I was thinking the exact same thing, Fred. What about her eyes, aren't they beautiful."  Both their elbows went forward as they looked directly into my eyes before mine flickered down writing another answer.

"The most beautiful I've seen and let's not forget her lips. I bet they taste like strawberries or chocolate...."

"Chocolate covered strawberries Fred I bet."

"You read my mind George and how much are you willing to bet that?" I jolted as both of there's hands went to my thighs. Why am I liking the attention so much? Should I say something or will I just embarrass myself?

"I bet ten on it." What are they gonna do? I was a blushing mess, we were studying fine for the first forty minutes what made them so...

"You're on. So (y/n) what do your lips taste like?" Both hands slid up a small amount making me bite my lip.

"Sorry but the library will be closing soon." I let out a big sigh of relief as the twins pouted.

"We'll be on our way."


I was flustered. More than flustered. I was... Wet.


The whole walk back they acted like nothing happened since so many other people were around but the thought of their hands reaching all the way up my skirt made me shiver. I don't throw myself at people, not has anyone thrown themselves at me, let alone two people... Twins. I can't be thinking it is a good idea to have some 'fun' with the duo. A blush rose to my cheeks as I look at myself in the mirror before spitting out the toothpaste in my mouth.

No never. They can't be into doing everything including 'that' together with a girl, me. A three-way with a pair of hot twins. Crap when did I say they were attractive?

"Yo (y/n) I'm going to slingshot your sexiest bra across the common room." Tess sang and I jolt up from the bed.

"You wouldn't dare." She laughed not holding anything in her hands.

"Just checking if you were listening. Sarah asked where you went before. At dinner." I hid my blush by turning and sitting down.

"I was studying in the library."

"Why did the twins end up coming back the same time as you?" Sarah questioned kicking her feet happily on the side of her bed.

"Oh shut up we met on the way here with a bunch of other people."

Caught in between Weasley twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now