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"Hey, hey wake up." I heard next to me. I rolled over wrapping an arm around Fred groaning lightly.

"It's going to take a year to get him out of that bed." George was speaking to someone but it wasn't Fred.

"Well, I doubt I would be wanting to move around if I had a chick like that wrapped around me." It was one of there roommates. It wasn't morning so why were they talking about it in the middle of the night. "Tell me again why they are sleeping on your bed?" Oh right. We're on Fred's bed, not George's. Wasn't really thinking about that at the time.

"Not sure. Maybe you could ask him. We're gonna be so late to Astronomy." Getting annoyed from all this talking I poked the side of Fred's face. He hummed waking up slightly.

"What love?" He breathed rolling over so he hugged me.

"Leave so they stop talking. Go to class." Murmuring this out the two at the foot of the bed chuckled.

"Come on Romeo if we're late tonight we have to clean up the bird crap at the astronomy tower." Fred sighed kissing me for a brief moment before sitting up.

"Mate cover up your girlfriend will you." Was I still naked? My chest was against the mattress so no one saw anything but I must have been completely knocked out for this to happen.

"Put this on when we leave," Fred whispered in my ear placing a long shirt next to me. Dozing off once more I lazily out the shirt on before falling back asleep.

The boys were back in an hour and a half. Instead of Fred joining me again it was George this time. I knew out of reluctance Fred let this happen. Knowing the petty fight off if we didn't have class then I would have been there all night. But I didn't care when snuggling into him and kissing his neck before falling asleep.


The girls weren't as nervous this time around when I didn't show up last night so when I came walking into the great hall for breakfast with the twins, Fred pulled me in for a kiss. Humming against his lips before I left them to go meet up with my friends.

"You need to start warning us when you're not going back to the dorm room," Sarah said and I blushed lightly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well, it's never planned." Rolling my eyes Tess wiggled her eyebrows at me. Raising my spoon she raised her hands.

"Ok ok just tell me one thing." Looking up from my breakfast she was in deep thought. Which doesn't happen often for Tess. "Have you noticed that George's personality changes when he's with you?" I raised an eyebrow confused by what she said.

"What are you talking about?" Sarah gasped nodding her head.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Like sometimes he's all over you wanting to snog and then all he wants to do is hold your hand."

"It's almost as if...." they both gasped, Tess, grabbed my arm pulling me out of the hall along with Sarah. The twins looked at the three of us. I was taken back to our dorm room.

"What is with the two of you. I didn't even eat half of my meal."

"Shhh, we need to tell you something."  They paced in front of me and I sighed starting to grab my things for potions class. Tess and Sarah were murmuring to themselves.

"Don't freak out but we think Fred and George switch places meaning you're dating both of them." They were waiting for me to freak out.  To get angry I was being lied to for almost two months but I just sighed.

"I know."

"I can't believe those lying..... wait you knew?" Sarah froze from her rant completely baffled.

"Double timing the jokers?" Shaking my head they were very much intrigued.

"No, I'm uh dating both of them." Their mouths almost dropped to the floor.

"Wait what!? Like Fred and George. George and Fred the two hot tricksters of our year level. You're dating those two?" Sighing again I nodded. A bell went so I picked up all my books.

"Yes, now can we talk about this later? We can't be late for potions." Sarah slumped grabbing her books.


Sarah was watching us like a hawk throughout the class. It was kinda annoying, Snape ended up moving Sarah to another seat away from me. Once the bell went we were packing up when Snape made Sarah stay for a talking too.

"What was with Sarah?" George asked me in a whisper as we walking out of the class.

"They figured it out. About you know..." Fred and George glanced at each other and then me.

"And is that a bad thing?" Fred's question was interrupted by Tess slamming into me from behind.

"Defence against the dark arts is calling us." She dramatically said leaning over me.

"What's made you so eager?" She gestured behind us to see Sarah running away from an explosion in the potions room.

"Ah. That." The pair of them grabbed my hands tugging me along away from the twins.

"Snape's going to kill you." Tess laughed at Sarah who was a flustered mess.

"Not if we get to class. Now mush." Being pushed away from the scene towards our next class.

Caught in between Weasley twins x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now