Chocolate covered strawberries

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The flirting was getting worse and always when I was alone. I knew they enjoyed my reaction and always came back for more. Although now it was happening so often I was constantly peeking over my shoulder to see if the twins were nearby.

"Here she is again."

"The most beautiful girl at Hogwarts." Jumping hearing the twins speak them both grabbing my lower back pulling me forward.

"H-hey guys." I don't stutter normally but they are so touchy. Maybe I should tell them to stop.

"We heard you aced the last potions test." Did one of our classmates mention that to them?

"Right Fred. Turns out our little (y/n) here isn't so bad at potions."

"I just got lucky I guess. You'd guys helped a lot as well ." I gasped when Fred's hand grasped my skirt covered ass for a moment.

"Aw, she's so cute when flustered." That was it, groping me In public is a no. Someone could have seen. I spun my heel around making them stop walking.

"Is this how you flirt with every girl you meet? Because I'm not comfortable with it." They gave each other a look before looking back at me. I hadn't noticed until now but the two guided us basically to the more empty part of the school. I wasn't even sure if we were allowed here.

"Damn kids." We heard from around the corner. One of my wrists were grabbed and the two pulled back a tarp that as hanging along the wall and a small divot in the wall stood behind it. Surely not all three of us could fit in here..... I was wrong, I was sandwiched between the two although I was mostly looking out seeing the faint shadow of a teacher walking past. He seemed to walk closer to where we were hiding, gripping into who I think is Fred shoulders I was biting my lip. Gasping quietly when the teacher was right in front of the tarp I went to cover my mouth with a hand but Fred in front of me had a different idea. My eyes widened when he's lips fell on mine. Neither of us made a noise but for some reason, my eyes shut, I made a little squeak when his tongue slipped past my lips.

"Shhh, remember (y/n). We don't want to get court." The grip I had on Fred's shoulders tightened once George brushed his lips below my ear. His words stuck with me, what would the teacher say if found us three squeezed together like this. George sucked against my neck before turned to lookout. I was unable to break contact with Fred's lips but I'm not sure if I even wanted to.

"All clear," George whispered making Fred pull away from my panting lips.

"You were right George. Chocolate covered strawberries." I'd unconsciously worn some strawberry lip balm for the past few weeks. Maybe I was waiting for this so happen. Which made my cheek flush just thinking about it.

"Really? How about I get a taste." I started sliding my way out from between them now aware of the possibility of being court again.

"Shouldn't we get going? What if the teacher comes back and...." George pulled me forward towards him. Gasping at the sudden movement when his lips touched mine I didn't know what to do anymore.

"Just relax (y/n). We don't want you to get into trouble." It was Fred's turn to whisper in my ear and suck along my neck. Whimpering against George's lips his tongue was already sweeping through my mouth. A bell went signalling the end of lunch and I pulled away from his warm lips.

"I was right wasn't I." George grinned mischievously at me as did Fred.

"I'm going to be late for class." Moving the tarp to the side I started sprinting down the hall, not caring if a teacher was to see me any longer.

"You might want to cover your neck." I wasn't sure who said that, but I quickly took my hair out of the ponytail it was in to cover the bruising that was apparently on my neck.

What just happened?

I panted just managing to slip into class in time. Tess raised an eyebrow at me.

"What's got you all flustered?" She whispered at the class just started.

"I had to run across the school to get here." Breathing this out she shook her head at me.

Defence against the dark arts was my favourite class, I actually understood what was being taught not to mention I like the teacher this year.

"Open your books to page 430." Sarah poked my back and I turned.

"I thought you had your hair up at lunch?" She whispered and I quickly said.

"The hair tie broke." The two looked at one another seeing I blushed slightly. I'm not good at lying to friends. But I can't say anything, not like they'd believe me. Although I'd get teased for it.

Letting out a long breath as the three of us were walking to dinner I'd already rejected a hair tie from Tess in fear she'd see the hikeys the moment my hair went up.

"You've been so quiet. What happened to all those comebacks?" Tess looped her arm around my shoulder.

"I told you I don't feel 100%." The twins were looking in our direction as we walked past but my eyes were glued to the floor with a blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah she's 95% fine but that 5%." She made an explosion with her hands.

"Let's just eat dinner." Dinner was normal. I knew two pairs of eyes were watching me but I didn't dare look over. What was that all about. I kissed both twins and enjoyed it...

"Yo (y/n) we're leaving." Sarah shook my shoulders.

"Ok ok calm down. I'm coming." Breathing this out I stood. Biting my lip I knew tonight it was going to be impossible to sleep.

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