Amazing view (Smut)

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The girls have been pestering me about what I've done with George. It's getting annoying really. To the point, I said if they mention it again I'd ask to move into a new dorm room. Of course, I didn't mean it but with the shout, I just roared in the room they believed me for sure.

So now to cool myself down I left the common room to one of the towers. It was a few hours until dinner so I could relax here all I wanted with the homework I'd brought with me. Over the past week, Tess and Sarah haven't let me even do simple things without bringing up my love life. Not that I hate talking about it but they want to know all the little details. One day in going to stuff up and they'll know I'm actually dating two people. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs of the tower. Sighing hoping to the lord it was some rando, not one of the girls George came panting through the door.

"(Y/n)." He smiled warmly shutting the door behind him. I was surprised to see him here. It's not often the two aren't together.

"Hey, George. Did you just sneak away from a prank?" He nodded locking the door with a simple spell before coming over to see what I was doing.

"Yeah, we were almost court and had to split. Seems I got the luck of the draw." I giggled smiling up at him shutting the notebook with my homework in it.

"Does look that way. What was the prank?" He went on explaining, George was so happy and laughing the whole way through. It was so genuine and he was so full of life that I leant forward kissing him. When I pulled back he drew me in again.

"Sorry was I boring you?" He spoke before our lips connected again. I shook my head.

"Not at all. You just looked so happy it made me want to kiss you." George chuckled giving me an opened mouthed kiss as I went onto his lap. As we continued making out my underwear covered crotch rolled against him. Moaning softly both his hands went to my ass under the skirt I wore.

"It's rather cold out here. I'm not sure that I can." I placed a finger to his lips.

"Never say never. Now unzip yourself." Sliding back for him to do so I rubbed my hands together before spitting on my dominate hand.  "You're already halfway there you'll be ready in no time." George groaned as I pumped him quite fast, flicking my palm over his tip George rocked into my palm.

"Are you ready?" He questioned moving my underwear to the side. Moaning continuing my hand's pace George fingered me slowly working me up. "Oh love you're soaking all for me."

"I'm getting ready for your big cock George." He was hard between my fingers and groaned kissing along my jaw. "The spell." I breathed out. George took his spare hand and breathed out the spell while his lips were against my skin. The tingle sensation ran through my stomach. Humming rolling my hips into George sucked harshly onto my neck.

"Are you sure about doing this here?" He became serious for a moment. George leant back staring into my eyes. Taking some pre-cum on his tip I sucked my finger nodding. "Shit," George whispered, giggling I leant forward kissing him. Sitting up indicating for him to pull out his fingers sliding forward and down we both groaned.

"Yes, mmmm." Rolling my hips our lips parted as I started moving up and down. George sucked his fingers covered in my arousal as I continued bopping up and down on him.

"I wish you were naked right now." George spoke going back to my jaw kissing there.

"Don't you think it's a little cold for that?" I panted out going faster making me hiss out.

"Anything to see you bouncing on me like this." Gasping as he thrusted upwards my body jolted.

"Keep going my gonna cum." Moaning as our hips met halfway George rubbed my clit making me shiver before having my orgasm. "So good." My eyes rolled back as George slowed down have his own realise. Letting out a long sigh I leant forward relaxing into George's chest. His arms went around my waist as we hugged enjoying the aftermath. Then I noticed the time. "Oh, crap dinner. We need to be quick." Standing up I fixed my underwear although feeling his release leak out of me I ignored it grabbing my notebook. "Come on." He just chuckled taking his Mary time until I grabbing his hand tugging George down the stairs.


We were on time. George sat down next to Fred and their friends while I reluctantly went over to Tess and Sarah. Immediately when sitting down they went to speak.

"We're so so so sorry." Sarah begged and I sat with crossed arms.

"Please don't move out we will never bug you again about dating."

"It's fine just stop talking about it all the time. It infuriates me that we can't talk about anything else." Going to start eating finally feeling relaxed around them again I noticed Tess eyeing me. "What is it, Tess?" I sighed putting mash potato on my plate.

"I don't want to say. It might annoy you." Rolling my eyes I went onto the next section of food.

"Then don't say it." She stopped for a moment covering her mouth obviously trying 'really' hard not to speak.

"Is that a hickey on your neck?" I flung a small spoonful of mash potato at Tess making her gasp and Sarah laugh. "It was just a question!" She whispers shouted trying to hit me with a brusal sprout only for me to dodge and it hit a Ravenclaw behind me. Now just anyone but Tess's crush. I held in my laughter.

"What was that?" He said turning around and for some reason, Tess thought the best idea was to duck.

"Sorry, it flung off my plate." Sarah quickly said and he gave her an odd look before turning back to his friends. "You owe me big time for that one," Sarah spoke tugging Tess back up as her face was beat red.

"Excuse me while I curl up and die."

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