Chapter 2,"Get Use To This..."

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Kokichi was comepletely out of sight now,he was outside the dormitory completely.

Shuichi just stood on the stairs and watched him leave.
Shuichi heavily sighs.

"What the hell is wrong with me?"

Shuichi mutters to himself.
He turns around and walks back into Kokichi's dorm,where Kaito was waiting.

"Ah!Saihara,did he get away?"

Kaito asks.
Shuichi shamefully nods,knowing full well he let Kokichi escape.

"He probably went to explore,he shouldnt be too far."

Shuichi suggests.

"Right.Lets go get him before Akamatsu comes back!"

Kaito smiles proudly.
Shuichi became hesitant but agreed anyway.
They both leave Kokichi's dorm and then exit the dormitory.

They look around their perimeter once outside.No Kokichi.

"How fast is the little twerp?!"

Kaito sighs heavily.
Shuichi felt...responsible for Kokichi's disappearance,he did let Kokichi go after all.

"Lets go check---"

Shuichi starts,but he's suddenly interupted by a loud scream nearby.

"Ah!Who could that be?!"

Kaito jolts.

"S-Sounded like Chabashira-Chan!Her lab is nearby!"

Shuichi panicks.

"No time to lose!Lets get going!"

Kaito instructs,Shuichi nods.
They both run quickly over to Tenko's Lab.

They throw open the door and looks towards the sparing mat.


Shuichi cries out.

Tenko was pinning Kokichi to the ground.
Tenko was sitting ontop of Kokichi,who was lying on his stomach.
Tenko had Kokichi's hands pinned behind his back.

"W-Whats going on!?"

Kaito questions,he and Shuichi running towards the 'action'.


Tenko growls,her face red.
Kokichi looks up at Shuichi and Kaito.

"Oh.Its you."

Kokichi comments,his expression nonchalant and emotionless.
He had a...bloody nose?
He didnt look troubled by what was going on at all.
He didnt even look like he was in pain.

A girl bigger than him was literally sitting ontop of him,planning to break his shoulders by how hard she was pinning Kokichi's arms to his back.
He looked fine.Unbothered.

"W-What did he do?"

Kaito questions.
Tenko turns a beet red.

"I was just practising so-some defense throws and this....DEGENERATE bursts through the door and bombards me with weird questions!He even tried looking up my skirt with the question 'Are you a girl?'!WHAT QUESTION IS THAT?!?!"

Tenko rambles loudly,her face was immensly red.

"Ou-Ouma!Did that?"

Kaito questions.
Without batting an eye,Kokichi nods.
He tilts his head,confused.

"So that isnt acceptable behaviour?"

Kokichi questions.

"OF COURSE NOT!You losing your memories is not an excuse to be a PERVERT!!!!!"

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