Chapter 22,"Till The Day I Die."(End)

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The two sat there for abit in total silence.It wasnt awkward,it was a silence that was needed.

"Hey Saihara-Chan."

Kokichi starts,Shuichi glances at the liar.

"Do you think...all of this...will be for nothing?"

"What do you mean?"

"After everything we went you think it'll all work out?"

"Where did all this come from?"

"Just answer."

"Well...I dont know for sure but..."

Shuichi tightens his grip on Kokichi's hand.

"I'll be here no matter what.Right by your side."

Shuichi smiles.

"Youre...not lying,are you?"

Kokichi pouts.

"Of course not.Why would I?"

Shuichi reassures.
Kokichi lowers his head.

"Okay.I feel abit better."

He sighs.

"Im glad."

Shuichi responds.
Kokichi's heart began to beat faster.
He was so close but yet so far.

After abit,the two decided to leave the classroom.They also decided to hang around eachother abit.

"The casino?"

Shuichi questions.

"Yup!Thats exactly what I said!"

Kokichi chirps.

"Why there?"

"Deja Vu again~!"

"You cant blame everything on Deja Vu,Kokichi."

Shuichi sighs.

"Why are you so mean to me??"

Kokichi frowns.

"That wasnt my intention."

Shuichi mutters.

"Whatever.Lets hurry and go!

Kokichi grabs Shuichi's hand and leads him in the direction of the casino.

When they arrive,Shuichi is quickly reminded of the time where he gifted Kokichi the locket that broke.Kokichi instantly walks over to the prize counter and begins to scan through the items presented.

"What are you looking for?"

Shuichi asks,walking over to the prize counter aswell.

"Im looking to see which prizes are worth winning but of course,all the things here are as shitty as Ruma is."

Kokichi groans.


Shuichi queries,remembering that nickname.

"Ah!I-uh...I meant Iruma-Chan."

Kokichi stumbles on his words.Shuichi just smiles.It was something he didnt hear in awhile.

"Whats so funny??!"

Kokichi hisses.

"N-Nothing,nothing at all!"

Shuichi denies,beginning to snicker.

"Why are you so dead set on making fun of me??"

Kokichi whines.

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