A Fresh Start?

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I remembered to update! Yay!

Sorry I didn't really post anything on here for Valentine's Day, however I did post something on my fanfiction.net account...sorry?

Hope this makes up for it, even if it is more of a filler oneshot to fix up the mess I have made.

Thanks bunches

H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


She almost ran at the familiar sight of the lean, lanky figure. But Lily regained her composure enough to walk by him without hiding behind Marlene. Clutching tight to the books in her grasp, she ignored the prickly feeling of hazel eyes on her skin managed to pass him by a couple of metres before letting out a sigh of relief. Then she felt Marlene tense up beside her and a second later a firm hand was on her shoulder.

Whipping around she found the source was not James - as expected - but Remus.

"Hi" Lily let a small smile grace her features. "What's up?"

"Don't give me what's up." Remus sounded irritated, which was rare. "I should be asking what's up with you."

She changed her expression to a compliant one. "Sorry I just don't know what you mean. I have to go, got Arthimancy next..."

"You very well do." Remus poked her in the chest. Lily caught her apprehensive friends eye and nodded for her to go on. He lowered his voice before continuing. "You've been ignoring James for a full week now! And dear I say it he's more hurt than he'd like to admit. You guys we friends and now you're what? Not even acquaintances?!"

Honestly, he sounded more exasperated than annoyed now and Lily gave a resigned huff.

"Fine! I'll explain myself, but not here." She gestured at the quickly emptying corridors. Remus nodded before dragging her into an empty classroom. She didn't bother closing the door before sinking into a seat. He sat across from her and gave her a prompting look.

"Ok..." The whole night of New Years spilled from her lips, willing to get out of her body. She saw his stance relax as the story went on and even laughed in some places. Finally she finished and they sat in silence for a short while before she spoke again.

"So you see? I really like James, he's a loyal guy and a good friend. I felt so bad for messing with his emotions! You know if I could restart with him I would. But it's too late now."

"No it's not." Both of them gave a start as James' voice came from the doorway. He gave them a smirk and waved a blank piece of parchment as way of explanation. Remus' face cleared and he got up and headed for the door. "I think you two need some time" he said simply before departing.

"Finally got the nerve to ditch class aye? What happened to becoming Head Girl? Come on Lily I've placed a lot of money on this!" The red haired girl couldn't help but melt a little under his boyish charisma. Stop it! She chided herself.

"Well I'm sorry if you loose some of your money." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. "I mean it is hard to come by."

James just grinned at this and he flopped down beside her. "So?" He asked gently.

"Uh Pot-James as you might have gathered I was wondering if we could start over?" Her hands shook slightly with nerves. "Forget all the crap of the past you know. Especially Snape and the flirting and New Years. A fresh start?" Her voice wavered slightly at the end of the sentence.

James studied her anxious expression. "Are you kidding?"

"Um, no."

"Then yeah! Yeah of course. I meaning I thought you hated me."

"Hate you! Ha you'd make that hard for me."

"Oh that's a relief. Maybe I could walk you to class then?"

"Don't push it."

"Alright Lily flower."

She left the class with a weight off her shoulders and a big smile on her face.

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