Changing for the better

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This chapter is a bit late in coming , but there's Jily action for ya!

Enjoy sunshines


Lily Evans stomped along the corridor towards the Headmasters office. As she had expected the first few weeks had been super busy, but had also flown by so fast. NEWTs seemed even more daunting, and there had already been at least three nervous breakdowns by students.

"Pumkin pasty" she muttered before stepping onto the staircase and being carried up to the top. Her knuckles rapped against the door and she was immediately granted entrance.

"Good evening Miss Evans, please take a seat" Dumbledore's calm voice rumbled. She dumped her bag and sat upright in her seat.

"Er, hello Headmaster. Is this anything you wanted to discuss with me? Am I not doing a good job?" she queried nervously.

"Quite the contrary. I am very pleased with your efforts and wanted to congratulate you for your efforts so far. The new initiatives you have introduced are working marvelously." His blue eyes twinkled.

"Oh thank you" she smiled slightly, fiddling with a bracelet on her arm. Among the new things she had introduced were Dueling Club, Tutoring for Muggle Borns and Prefect Patrols. Then she realised something and shot up out of her seat like a rocket. "Oh sorry Professor I forgot I have a Clubs meeting, really have to go-"

"That's quite alright. Keep doing marvelous work."

She sprinted down corridors, stairs and almost knocked down a group of Ravenclaws in her haste to get to the Transfiguration classroom. Finally she got there and flung the door open. Remus stopped talking mid sentence and smiled at her.

"Glad to see Dumbledore didn't need you for too long. Come on in we had only just started."

Smiling at her friend in relief, she perched on the desk next to him. This was the first meeting and she was embarrassed for forgetting about it.

"Alright so I just explained the purpose of the club and when meetings will be. Her red head bobbed up and down as Remus explained. "Now we will move on to introductions. I'll start, I'm Remus Lupin, Head Boy, Gryffindor House and one of the club leaders."

"I'm Lily Evans, Head Girl, Gryffindor House and the other club leader."

"Peter Vellin, Prefect, Hufflepuff House and Head of Go stones Club."

Lily slowly fell into a daze as the introductions went on. She needed to finish her Arithmancy homework tonight, and write up a clubs roster, and figure out the patrol issues with Remus...

"James Potter, Gryffindor House, Quidditch Captain and Leader of Charms Club."

Lilys head shot up at the familiar tone and she exclaimed incredulously; "What?!"

Everyone stared at her apart from James who cracked a smile. "Something wrong Ev-Lily?"

She flushed under the multiple gazes. "Well I just didn't think you would willing sign up for something so...helpful?"

At this James and Remus both laughed, and the tension diffused immediately. "Glad to know you have such faith in me" James chortled.

Lily was still embarrassed but managed to crack a smile. "Well people can change I guess, and in this case I do believe it's for the better."

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