Walking On Air

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I was thinking of 'True Loves Kiss' from Enchanted while writing this...yes I'm in a Disney mood.

Hope you guys like the Jily fluff! It's pouring from me and I can't stop it.

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H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


"You are staying where?!" Marlene exploded. "Lils how could you keep this from us!" Her blue eyes were filled with shock. Likewise, Dorcas and Alice were in similar states of shock from where they sat slumped in their seats. Outside the window it was a blur of Scottish countryside.

Lily drew a hand through her hair, ghosting where her long locks used to be. She still wasn't used to the short cut. "I knew you guys were busy - hell we're all busy it's NEWT year for Merlin's sake. But I also knew none of you could have me to stay over the holidays so I didn't want to make a big fuss and make you feel bad."

Her friends lapsed into a guilty silence, each thinking of the reasons they couldn't have her to stay. Alice fiddled with her engagement ring, while Marlene thought of having tanned skin and Dorcas scowled at the thought of a 'family only' Christmas.

"Right." Lily stood and smiled down at her friends. "I'll leave you all to mope because I have a Slug Club invitation I can't get out of." Lily had managed to evade the portly man all year so far - after all her Head Girl duties kept her quite busy, but she couldn't put it off longer. It was the thought of people chosen for an exclusive club, namely for being 'special' in one way or another that put her off. After all, she had been cut out of Hogwarts groups for being a mudblood her entire life.

She shimmed out the door and strode off down the corridor. As she walk she drew her yellow scarf tighter around her neck, shivering from the breeze drifting in through the gaps in the carriages. She had changed into muggle clothes at the first opportunity on the train, yearning for the warm and comfiness she craved.

Finally she reached the last compartment in the train and opened the door, with it her own mouth opening. The seemingly small carriage had been enlarged into a stately ballroom, with a checkered floor and tables lining the side. It was already teeming with people, chatting lightly and a few swaying to the music.

"Lily Evans!" A voice boomed, moving over to her. Her potions professor, Professor Slughorn patted her shoulder fondly. "My favourite Head Girl and student! Though don't tell the others." He winked largely and steered her over. "Come my dear go mingle. You look ravishing!"

Lily frowned. "What do you mean these old-" She gasped as she looked down and found herself in a stunning floor length deep purple dress, with bare shoulder and long gossamer sleeves. It swirled around her ankles and poled at her feet. "Oh Professor, thank you! This is amazing magic."

"I may have had Professors McGonagall and Flitwick to help me." He winked slyly. "Now go enjoy yourself!"

She moved out along the outskirts of the floor until she found her werewolf friend. "Remus!" she called happily. He turned and saw her, then immediately opened his arms as she came in for a hug.

"Lily" he pulled back so he could see her face. "How are you doing?" His face was beyond his years but filled with kindness, and it made tears prick up in her eyes.

"I could be better" she admitted. "But I'm just grateful I have some place to stay for the break."

"Oh thats right! You'll be joining the Marauder festivities this year." He winked. "Think you can handle it?"

She groaned. "I'd forgotten you were all coming too! Oh this is embarrassing. I hope I'm not intruding."

Remus shook his head. "You could never intrude. Right James?"

Lily turned and faced him. Well, she could admit he did clean up well - in a dapper suit and with his hair tamed. His hazel eyes sparkled at her, making her heart do a tap dance.

"Of course not my dear! You are most welcome at my house." He grabbed her hand and pulled her out. "Come on let's dance!"

She was whisked away out onto the dance floor, a slight squeal coming up in her throat. That was soon quenched as she was spun gracefully into James' chest and slid to a halt. Her green eyes gazed up at him in wonder as he started moving them about the dance floor in time to the music.

"You can dance?!" She asked incredulously. "Is there anything you can't do?"

A deep chuckle came from him and dimples appeared on his cheeks. "I can't cook to save my life. Sorry to disappoint you. Though I can sew a mean dress." She giggled into his chest.

Time slipped away as they danced, and she felt herself falling more and more for this reckless boy turned into a refined man. He was more than she could have dreamed of a person being. And she was so scared that she might get her heart broken.

But she allowed herself this day to live in a fantasy. Even as that fantasy was shattered. and their fancy clothing was gone as they left the carriage, she still felt like she was walking on air - hand in hand with James.

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