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Hi guys!

So I am finally on holiday which means more updates...yay!

I had a lot of stuff going on so it's nice to relax.

Thanks for your support

H E R E. C O M E S. T H E. S U N

February and March passed without much incident. Apart from one Filch prank the Marauders had been out of action. Preparing for exams or planning the next big prank? Everyone wondered. It was probably the latter, but the sixth years were starting to feel the strain.

However Lily Evans was on top of her studies and feeling quite relaxed. So she had started her own personal experiment in her spare time. After analysing the study group beat up incident she had realised that, much to her own surprise, guys found her attractive. This theory had been proved when on Valentine's day she had received no less than fifteen cards from admirers, five of them being James taking the piss but still. It was something she wanted to toy with.

So one dull Potions class when they had been revising easy exam stuff Lily had decided to start phase three of her experiment : Make a boy jealous. And the opportunity came up when she saw James chatting to Emmeline Vance who was his Potions partner. She glanced at the surly boy next to her and almost laughed out loud. Perfect.

"Sev" she said rather loudly, glancing at her companion and fluttering her eyelashes. "Could you pass the beetles?"

Severus Snape tensed up like he had been shot at. Slowly he turned around and gave her a long searching look of surprise. Ever since the 'mudblood' incident she had been shunning him, ignoring his letters and pleads of regaining friendship. And now it seemed all was forgiven. It was too good to be true. "Sorry?"

Feeling the eyes of a certain someone on her, she gave Snape a cheerful grin. "Nevermind, I'll get them myself." Sliding out of her seat, she almost heard the sound of James Potter's jaw opening as she leaned across the desk, blouse slipping open. Snape was visibly gazing down her top as she made a show of fumbling with the jar before returning to her seat.

She slowly unscrewed the jar and placed two whole beetles in the potion. Smiling, she smacked her hands together and gave Snape an innocent look to which he recoiled slightly looked stunned.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she spun around in her seat to face James. He was looking like he was having a hard time meeting her eyes and would rather look elsewhere.

"What's up?" she asked him curiously, tucking a strand of red hair behind one ear.

He gulped then managed an indulgent smile. "I think you're stirring your Potions wrong" he stated. Then he copied her motion and leaned over the desk to stir the concoction once, twice, three times. Snape's face looked ready to murder as Lily found his nicely shaped butt in her face.

"Uh thanks" she murmured, now embarrassed herself as he stepped away. James winked and returned to his desk.

I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him!

That didn't explain the image of his butt firmly implanted in her brain.

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