The Furry Problem

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Hey guys how are you?

I quite like this chapter and it's finally starting to get into the storyline

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James found himself on a Friday night moodily slumped in the Heads Office with one of his best mates. What was James Potter doing in the Heads Office? He had no flipping clue.

He tapped his fingers against his leg, itching for the distraction of the snitch. However, Moony had warned him not to bring the iconic object because apparently this meeting was 'very important'.

Speaking of Moony, he was slumped in the chair next door looking pale and drawn out. It was nearly that time of the month, but this time all the period jokes in the world wouldn't make his friend smile. The marauders were starting to worry abou the health of their furry friend.

Then the prettiest girl in the world walked in. Her new short hair made her face stand out even more, and she had lengthened the lashes around her bright green eyes. If it had been hard for James to act as a friend to her before, it was even harder now. His heart thumped painfully whenever she was near.

"Hows it going Lily. I'm starting to think you're going to have a reputation for being late." James smirked at her.

She raised her eyebrows and consulted her watch. "One minute to eight, James. Just because you have a reputation for being early doesn't mean I have to follow." He was glad they had kept up the name preference even if they were still a bit awkward around one another. Then her face softened as she saw the werewolf occupying the other chair.

"Oh Remus" she murmured, tenderly placing her hand on his shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

He sighed wearily. "It's not just the werewolf issue that's getting me down - it's bigger than that." His slim frame eased out of the chair and rounded the desk to face them. "It's stupid to admit that He Who Not Must Be Named is getting stronger. His death eaters are gathering forces. They are recruiting all types of forces, even werewolves." He ran his hand over his face. "A werewolf head boy is not wise in these times. The whole school is suspicious of me. I'm going to step down, and I want James to take my place."

Lilys eyes were filled with tears. "Oh I had no idea. Of course I understand."

James was stunned. "Mate, are you sure you want me? I don't think I can do this."

When Moony looked at him his gaze was firm. "I wouldn't want anyone else."

Then James acted completely out of character and brought his mate in for a hug. "If you believe in me I can do it."

He drew back and looked at Lily. "So are you ok with this?" He licked his lips warily.

She smirked. "Desperate times call for desperate measures." Then she wrapped her petite arms around him in a hug. He was in shock that he almost forgot to hug her back. She smelled like lemongrass and he liked it. Over her head Remus managed to grin at him "I'd be glad to have you James."

Very quickly she seemed to realise there was someone else in the room for she pulled away pink faced and ran a hand through her hair. James thought she was never cuter.

"So, er, meeting adjourned?" she asked quickly, before gathering her things and dashing from the room.

"Promising sign?"

"Oh very James, very promising."

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