Train Tracks and Broken Hearts

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Hey sunshines!


So you may notice I haven't chosen the conventional head of my readers commented that in fact someone else was in James' place so I decided to mix it up a bit.

If anyone gets the song reference in the title comment and I will dedicate the next chapter to you!

Please vote and review if you like



The Summer dragged on a bit for everyone. Lily, who didn't want to see Petunia and her new husband, decided to stay with the McKinnons. Her and Marlene worked at the family apothecary in Diagon Alley by day, and locked all doors by night. It was hard because of the heat, but there were talks of Death Eaters and no one around wanted to risk it.

Meanwhile Sirius had also decided to ditch his family and was now permanently living with the Potters. The boys played Quidditch by day and dueled late into the night to prepare themselves. A war was starting and everyone knew it.

So when letter day arrived all Hogwarts students were glad. Two people found themselves with a bit of extra weight in their letters. Remus Lupin and Lily Potter found themselves gifted the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl. Remus' parents were delighted. and Marlene was very happy for Lily, though she would have liked the position herself.

It was September First, and everyone was gearing themselves for a new year. Lily and Marlene arrived with time to spare. Immediately the blonde started searching for her boyfriend.

"Is he here Lil? Oh I hope so, his parents were talking about sending him off to Durmstrang. Wouldn't that be awful - Durmstrang! How revolting I can't even-"

"Marl!" her stream of babble was cut off by a familiar voice. She spun around and was swept off her feet. Lily watched with a smile on her lips despite herself. "Oh Merlin I've missed you." Sirius kissed her hard and deeply. Before it could become a full on snog Marlene pulled away.

"We do have to have some dignity" she reminded him. " We are standing in front of the Head Girl after all." Her blue eyes twinkled.

Sirius winked at Lily. "Good job Evans. Though not such a good job ruining my kiss. We will get back to that later." He placed a finger on Marlene's lips who giggled. Lily rolled her eyes.

"C'mon let's get on the train." They lugged their trunks up onto the scarlet carriage. Sirius lead the way to the Marauders trademark compartment.

Once there they found Remus and Dorcas already seated.

"Hey!" Lily was engulfed by dark curls. "How you doing?! I hardly heard from you all summer."

"Sorry too busy working" the redhead smiled at Dorcas' eye roll. "Oh Remus you got Head Boy I knew it!" She hugged the skinny boy tight.

"And I knew you'd get it obviously." Remus laughed. "Who else had been training since first year?" Once they had finished their reunions they took their seats. Alice and Frank soon joined them, and they had some news to share.

"We're engaged!" Alice squealed, showing off a flashy big diamond ring. Frank looked love struck. Why was everyone in a happy relationship but her? Even Dorcas had started dating - one of the Prewitt twins could you believe it. She wasn't sure which one.

Then as the train started pulling out of the station a ruffled haired James joined them. "Sorry I'm late guys, had some business to attend to." He flopped down between Remus and Alice, purposefully avoiding Lily's eye. She felt hurt and affronted.

"Hey Lils, we need to get to our meeting" Remus reminded her. She shot out of her seat, how could she forget? They hurried along the corridor, but were blocked by a man with a large resemblance to a walrus.

"Lily Evans! Just the one I wanted to see. Wanted to let you know that I am thinking of starting a special club and I would like you to come along!" He handed her a crisp invitation. "And of course bring you partner along - Head Boy and Girl are honoured at my parties!"

They exchanged weirded out looks before entering the compartment where their meeting was being held.

Remus started up the introductions and such with the prefects while Lily flopped back in her seat. She ran a hand through her thick red hair as they chatted about schedules and clubs and events. This year was going to be hectic.

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