Jealous, Padfoot?

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Guys I am so ashamed...last chapter was literally a repeat of the chapter before! So so so sorry!

Here is a BRAND NEW chapter. Enjoy!

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James strode into the common room, shaking droplets out of his wet hair and making those around him shrink back and wince. A hard night of Quidditch practice had left him ready to fall straight into bed.


However it was Sirius' voice which made him halt and instantly become numb With shock and anger.


"What the hell?!"


Over the other side of the common room a sort of study group was taking place. A group of boys were gathered around Lily and Marlene who seemed to be lecturing about the importance of control of polyjuice potion. At that moment the pair were checking a fact in a text book and every single boy's eyes were locked on their breasts.


Sirius stormed over with James close behind. As they approached Marlene looked up and beamed. She got up and came over causing Lily to straighten up. James breathed a sigh of relief as all body parts shifted back into place.


"Hey" Marlene's blue eyes were locked on Sirius' face. "How was practice?"


"Fine." Sirius bent down and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. "Would love to chat but have some business to attend to." He strode past her and to the group of boys.


Lily stood up and came her two friends, suspicion in her eyes as Sirius started shouting.


"Did you put him up to this?" She asked, hands on hips as she eyeballed James.


"Yeah what's going on?" Marlene queried. It seemed the two smartest girls in Gryffindor tower were innocent to their own attraction.


"No I didn't put Padfoot up to this. But I would like to give those pervs a piece of my mind too actually."


Marlene raised her brows. "Oh that explains it." She gazed at her boyfriends figure dreamily. "He is hot when he's angry though. Those muscles..."


Hazel and green eyes met and they both let out bouts of laughter at the Same time. Soon Marlene was scowling as tears streamed down both of their cheeks as they cackled away.


"Sorry it's just I never would have thought - you calling him- h-hot!" James shook with laughter.


Lily giggled. "Yeah!" She put on a High pitched immigration voice. "Those muscles!"


They were still helpless with mirth as Sirius joined them again.


"Um hello?" Sirius slung his arm around his blonde girl and looked very confused.


Lily wiped tears from her years and put on a poker face as she faced Sirius. "Sorry" she said. "It's just you're too hot when you're angry."

Both still laughing. James and Lily left a blushing couple as they headed up their respective staircases to bed.

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